Sunday, March 4, 2018

Crumbs? More Like PIQ Lips

Waaaaell laa-de-frikin-da, a “Pro-Trump” strychnine poll on Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron tank-thinks that 57% of Trump Supporters are now in agreement with Nancy Pelosi? Doesn’t matter the subject matter, just this mutual agreement. But wow, wild “Bomb Cyclone” tides a changin’ course with horses in midstream. Sounds like the PIQ - Political Intellectual Quota - divide, but it arouses the Clockwork Orange in me. Not “FAKE” like Access Hollywood “Big Phony Tits”, this poll that was concluded just now finds a majority of Trump’s “Fake Wrestlemania” fan chum base agrees with the California endangered spices, that with the “Tax Zeal Repeal Reform”, that “We the People” ended up with “crumbs”. I beg to differ, we ended up with leftovers from the Hansel & Heavy Gretel crumb path of no return. The full extinction of responsible taxation has yet to sink in, give it a few more days. See, like with Mitt and his concession “we ended up with a Lousy Hat” - MAGA backdrop - speak for yourself, as if that is what the 1% faction gained from the “crumb”…we ended up with the Lousy Hat’s headband sweat. And best get comfortable with anal-rim-shot politics, as when it comes to fruition - this Corporate Tax Cheat Skeet Shootout - and the Moron’s rebuild the infrastructure already at DOA funding and then the WALL takes away another 14-cents from my hard-earned buck and another 25-cents with a gasoline tax - bend over some more is the new GOP gang bang slut call! OK, time to place it all in perspective, as the “America the Beautiful” we once cherished is DEAD. See, many moons ago when the Bush Family doctrine was taking root after Reagan and H.W. and Dubya retired away, confidante and associate James Baker allowed an interview wherein he refused to have the American Flag as a backdrop? Why, because it was no longer just about “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” but about power and might rightfully so all about the moolah. Basically speakeasying,  we entered the “Shin Splint Zone” free-for-all the only thing that counts in life is just how much money one can amass, either through hook or crook. It was the time wherein WALL STREET went hawkish on the “Killing Fields”, that which promoted WAR, as the new age fascination to make money and gaining “portfolio” attention as these atrocities were taking place in nations most Americans had no idea existed. Nobody gave a rat’s ass, long as money was to be made by defense spending. It was the ultimate “out-of-sight out-of-mind” dueling banjoes Deliverance delivery. And today we have entered Phase II of morsel decay as Daddy Warbucks is now a perpetual motion eviction away from decency of mankind, the “Heel Spur Zone” and maybe sweat is all we will see as our Return-on-Investment and “Blood on the Tracks” and more and more kids coming home in a box - the Fucking Moron’s Presidency, defined as “here we go round the Mobius Strip”! Which means we are at a stage wherein only a major World War may give peace a chance after the bowery breaks, when those cesspools of greed then overflow with blood! Daddy Warbucks, a dream cometh true and we are all accomplices to this pathetic institute called “Humanity”! Bottom-line, that rabid skunk roaming the neighborhood has  more “Humanitarian” wherewithal, and that bark with bite is just trying to put some of us out of the misery of collusion of another misery upon another human. One thing for sure, if there be intelligent life somewhere out-there in the ether-world, we don’t have to worry about a visit because the way we “hate”, the welcome mat is paved with “Fools Gold”. PIQ? Political Intellectual Quota, it means the Mobius Strip wherein those on the right will forever oppose the left, even if we seem to be on the same page.

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