Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bone “Ami” Please

“I did not have sexual relations with that steel pipe”! IMAGINE that response from Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon after imposing a “Steel Tax” on imported imposter steel? Like the imposter in the White House just proposed? See, back in 1974 the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline finally received Congressional approval to begin ditch-witching “foreigner” made 48-inch steel pipe into the frozen tundra so that “Black Gold” could be transported south to the United States. “Made in Japan” pipe, because mills in the U.S. could not produce the pipe quality required for the harsh Alaskan environment. And Mr. Forge from sea to shining sea could not produce enough of it, like 800-miles needed soon. To make matters worse off, with Alaskan oil the Jones Act required cabotage cargo ships carrying the crude-oil bounty to be “Made in America” - so we needed even more steel from the foreigners to build an entire new fleet of indestructible EXXON Valdez class merchant marine vessels. If Nixon had tried an imposter deal like Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, the cost of that essential “National Security” Alaskan energy security blanket would have ballooned an extra $2-billion bucks, that was some 40-years gone by, so adjusted for inflation…a whole lot more and would have covfefecarnaged this project to the dugout. And EXXON would have remained a Podunk family oil company and Rex who? Now way up “North to Alaska”, up past Sarah Palin’s stomping-at-the-drill-bit grounds, there is a “Bone Yard” wherein pipe used to develop the humongous Prudhoe Bay oil field rests away a sheltered life. NO it cannot be sold as scrap, maybe in another 100-years. See, steel is essential for oil development in the tune of…everything is steel even the chow hall plates, the toilets and the rigs! And drill pipe used to explore for oil pockets, sometimes the path of least resistance traverses the “bad lands”. Thorium-90 ring a bell? Underground formations consist of water pools and oil pools and gas pockets along with radionuclide contamination possibilities. Hey NORM, no cheers here! That’s what the oil field regulators call this radioactive stuff, for “Naturally Occurring Radioactive Matter”. And when pipe is pulled out of a formation, sometimes it must be taken to the bone “ami” yard, wherein it can naturally decay away any foreign nasties. So there comes a stiff replacement cost, to replace the drilling pipe and considered the cost of doing business - acceptable up to a point. It is NOT at a radiation level that is alarming enough that the “Sky is falling”, but studies indicate an increase in testicle cancer for male hormone workers around drilling rigs, so it is a discriminatory predator. And since females are banned from the “Mud Shack” on a drilling rig…Why? Rough necks believe in “Bad Karma brings Bad Luck”. Look, you will never find a drilling rig named after a gurl! So, the cancer rate is elevated due more males then females showing up at the MD and asked to “cough”. Yes bad luck, as everything was normal on the Deep Water Horizon until “Bro” gave that prehistoric dinosaur fingernail to his “Bo”, then the shit hit the deck! Now drill pipe is an expensive part of a drilling operation. And nowadays, just setting up a drilling rig - which is 100% steel - and sending a piece of pipe straight down in hopes it will find some pay dirt, that is old school. The technology today allows for “Directional Drilling” and it is not unusual to send a test probe some 8-miles from ground zero in search of that “Black Gold”. Yes, an intelligent oil-licking gas-sniffing hi-tech probe followed by 8-miles of super-strength expensive drilling pipe. And starting tomorrow under the Moron’s get even with Steven steel plan, another 25% it will cost to wildcat a well. To spud a well in Alaska, it was a $50-million-dollar venture with a whole lot of gifted guilt - as it is still somewhat of a guessing game. For the same song and dance with the new “Steel Trump Dossier Tax”, it means the gambler must throw another $12-million into the fish bowl to call the bluff or else renege. That extra $millions$ on a good day, and if that drilling bit veers off-course and hits some “rad”, it means new pipe at an extra unreasonable cost. The “Trump Suffrage Tax” is directly proportional to the sag of the bag and did he really discuss this with an intelligent being? Which means one of two things. First and foremost, we are energy independent to the point this nation is now exporting oil. With that, there is no need to worry so the hell with developing new wells for a spell, now just furlough the workers. Oil development is a long-term investment, so putting off development until the economic climate is respectable, time is on the oil brokers side and so what if John Doe Rough Neck has to cop a job at Wal-mart sweeping floors or showing up at McDonalds to flip burgers. And by stalling development due the Fucking Moron’s “Imposter Steel Import Tax”, it ruins the “of record” our nation’s non-stranded “Reserves” and when it is once again time to panic because we are no longer “Independent”, we pay for it at the pump. IMAGINE, Texas being the first state of the Union that feels the brunt force trauma of a Moron at the helm? Texas, the Jade Helm state about to be the first state to cry foul that a Fucking Moron somehow impostered his way into the Oval Office. And that “Jones Act” that once denied Alaskan oil from being transported on ships made in Japan, or China or…that was changed by the 114th Congress under Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell in 2015, because a rabid skunk named Don Young thought it best we sell out to foreigners. So yes, the Moron sees a problem and without thinking first…and we thought the EXXON Valdez was an historic wreck!

“I did not have sexual relations with that steel pipe”

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