Friday, March 9, 2018

Abominable Showman Trump

Cart before the horse is crap and won’t work here, as not even a horse would play into this kind of White House “Beastiality” as a “witting” subject victim. No not a spelling hick-up with the “beast”, as it best describes the sitting president. Abominable Showman? Look, for goddess sake, Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moran treats the female race as if just remnants of a coprophilia-urophilia good time Charlie fun time, times up here’s your $130000 bonus now shut the fuck up. Used condoms gain more respect from the present White House staff then do the Kellyanne Conways’ stuck in a bad Oval Office situation. For the last 413-days, the negativity that flows between the “Great Divide” and Rue Morgue Avenue, is it reasonable? Maybe “Approval Rating” is proportional to the time-tested saying, “and your gravity fails and negativity don’t pull you through”. Yes, this “negativity” upon the U.S. Presidency, it is not healthful nor helpful our liberties. Yet, we must be not silenced like we see with the 115th United States Congress, as there is something drastically wrong with our election system to allow a Moron to walk into the White House and disrupt “Tranquility”. We cannot have a wannabe president that relies on “chaos” to get his perverted point across - he has no point. From the turnover thus far, I would wager that those strong-willed individuals that have vacated the Oval Office due placing humane righteousness before right-wing political wrong, most likely they are victims of being abused through name calling and bullying. Look, that Rob Porter was probably “bullied” and when the day was done and at home, take frustrations out by punching his wife, black eyed peas please! And those that remain, must enjoy the abuse or live with it because the glamor of “chaos” is like a sexual perversion, or gambling addiction - they know it’s wrong but cannot quit it out. How in hell can Melanomia stay with this abominable showoff? Some thrive on it, victims of abuse. And look how the Fucking Moron disrespects any individual that never had to claim “bankruptcy”, Gary Cohn blowing away and one of the last dedicated Oval Office “baby-sitters”. See, I would wager that if you are wealthy and made that loot on the up-and-up and did not have to run to the auctioneer and creditors for help, then the Moron will despise you, as success is not one of his fortes. The only decent “Men of Honor” left in the West wing are H.R. McMaster, Emmett Kelly and Matterhorn Mattis, all military men waiting for the opportune time to stage a coup d’etat. And what’s this “maybe” with possible trade wars, it’s already here as 11-major nations signed on the dotted line today, for Trade Relief Relations on the global scale of things, the only person missing the signature photo-op was David Dennison. See, Stormy is touring again, her striptease act is gaining popularity and David always looks for a ring-side seat, and that takes priority over being presidential. And just like all this hoopla of a “Constitutional Crisscross Crisis” coming our way, its here and started when Jonathan Turley left the MSNBC market and moved to the FOX racket - yes like in racketeering! But the Moron, bless his heel spurs - just kidding. How about bless his abused wife? Just kidding some more. How about his abused mistress…and what the hell happened to Barron? And even on the way out the door, this Abominable Moron - as the Rex Tillerson Fucking has worn out its warning - time to chastise the helping hands: “Cohn, he wasn’t strong enough on tariffs. After he makes another couple of hundred million, I have a feeling you’ll be back.” If this is not a WTF posture, I rest my case. But here it is with this Abominable Fucking Moron. If you are not wealthy, if you have not millions, you mean diddly squat crap to him - ask yourself, is that any semblance of an American Patriotic Spirit? All those wasted “Tweets” you send as a follow up trying to confront this idiot, as in today’s world “We all live in a Twitter submarine”, if you are not a member of the $millionaires$ club your response is sent to the “crapper”. He is NOT listening as he gives not a rat’s ass what you think, unless you can Stormy his private parts. How come Sweden has a leader that was a welder, a working-class hero that had to work his way up through the political rank and file, and we have a guy that pretends to be a leader that is more in line that of a pervert? Congress is broke, and soon this Abominable Fucking Moron will break the phonograph needle that is still trying to serenade US with “for amber waves of grain”, as with a NO POLICY president this “Patriotic” messenger is getting lots of static, and the message of “Life, Liberty and that pursuit to Happiness” but a losing proposition! Since when does “Liberty” deserve being chastised by the almighty $$$ sign? Just look back some 413-days, as this WAR against our sovereignty has just begun and “There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief”!

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