Monday, January 29, 2018

One “Ply” Nation Under God

Trumponomics - My portfolio started tanking soon after Donald John Trump established himself in the White House. “Who let the whores in, who, who”. For reasons suspect “Trump Trust” came under attack with flailing arms away, soon after that the dollar started tanking. Today, the value of the Greenback is tied to the “Global Economy” and “Live Free or Die” finds outside interference, so it appears the World was concerned over what may be in store for the strongest nation on earth, militarily speaking. Yes, a Moron was taking over the “Nuclear” football. That’s why I am so glad for one thing, that TB12 is Donald’s friend, as we need another deflate-gate. Please Mr. Brady, let the air out of the Moron’s “Whoopie” cushion and I will never say another thing bad about the Patriots. And because I am a member of the 1% of the 1%, a.k.a. $billionaires$ club, when the value of the dollar sinks the value of my stock also sinks and my wealth status amongst the global elite diminishes. I did have an invite to the World Economic Forum in Davos, until the dollar started stinking which meant I could no longer afford an “Elite VIP Escort” from Jessica’s of Graubünden, so I was terminated. For real, I received an SOS “TWITTER” from the White House with Jessica’s phone number along with a linked advertisement about 27 immigrant escorts to choose from. And damn, a guy in better disGRACE named Scaramoochi was my replacement in the “Trump Tower Elitist” entourage because I was no longer filthy rich. You know, the “mooch” the Moron hired in the White House but lasted only 12-days because…he’s the kind of kid the playground girls beat up and would you mess with Kellyanne? But we are into Trumponomics, and I may have to get an hourly-wage job if things stay on the “Cash Crash” track. As an example of Trumponomics 666, on Monday the $dollar$ is equal to $1.00 on the global exchange scale and I have 1 point of stock valued at a dollar. Now on the next Monday, say the U.S. dollar sees an unexpected decline to 50-cents, with my 1 point of stock I am no longer a member in good standing the $1 Dollar Gentlemen’s Club and can only get advances worth 50-cents from alley cat “Big Phony Tits”. So, by manipulating the stock market because I have the edge up on computerized trading “offshore” and no 401k traitor can get in my way due NET Neutrality Neutering, by flooding the market continuously with “push then pull” trades, I can basically inflate the value of my stock - FAKE hedging, and better than FAKE news. Sow no fear, by trading 1 Ponzi up the value of my stock, that original 1 point looks and acts like 2 points. Now as the dollar keeps dropping, manipulation allows my points to track the loses and my NET Worth remains the same - we so smart! But this isn’t intended for everyone and the main reason behind the NETanyahu Neutrality as it provides preferential laundering treatment to the wealthy, and neutering for the majority peons. Same thing when the market starts to crash. See, since it’s a Ponzi scam, we are 1st in-line to receive pay-back for this FAKE hedging today and with the dollar falling we will be the faction that gets out the quickest. The WALL is all a “Big Scram”, and we are trying to keep the non-wealthy away. Wealth hoarding is Donald John Trump’s real message. Now don’t worry Mr. & Mrs. Middleclass, you will recover your loses in another 50-years - there is no such thing as retirement under Trumponomics. Look, there is something categorially upsetting with the present “cycle”! The dollar is falling, the market is in overdrive like a Great Dame in heat and the price of oil has witnessed a rebound for NO apparent reason. Ever wonder why Rex is still in town even after affirming that he believes Donald Trump is a bonafide MORON? Look, EXXON made more money following the EXXON Valdez oil spill than what it would have made without that environmental nightmare scare? It’s called “manipulation”. So as the dollar sinks, so does the value of that portfolio and with inflated “points” on that WALL, it will soon come crashing down but by the time we hear about it, the wealthy will have been forewarned by some “Secret Shadow Society” Shamber Alert. In the meantime, get used to “One PLY Nation Under God” as the 2-ply toilet paper is reserved for the wealthy as our buck no longer buys its money’s worth. It is Simple Simon economics, if the dollar falls in value due the Global authority concerned about “What the Rex” is happening here under the dictatorship of a Maggot Moron, the only way for the Mnuchins to keep that golden-shower portfolio looking so fine, it’s with FAKE leaf gold - the Donald John Trump Tower trademark. It looks real, it feels real, but it is FAKE as far as…well our eyes no longer see the real as we have been blinded by the light of "Old Man Trump" style Fascism.

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