Thursday, January 4, 2018

Maggie’s Farm - By Jeff Sessions

Poetic “Justice of the Peace” Annelies Marie Frank some long-long time ago, from experience a young girl seeing victims sentenced to a genocide reunion, wrote a few lines that warned us about Fascism - how it takes over our will like a silent “Lobotomy”. Is that why my brain is feeling numb? Overcome we shall, as the fact “This Machine KILLS Fascism” is our saving grace! So, little podunk-puke-punk Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions is going to WAR with California? Ha, may as well add Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii and then piggyback Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Washington to that Daddy Warbuck’s list and there will be more to come on “Our” side this rising-up to defend against this Fascist regime - now into day 347 under Furor Donald John Trump. That “Machine” referenced a few lines ago? Fred Trump Tower is well aware of the potential of a “resistance” to “KILL” Beach Haven type Fascism. We are entering into a compromising destabilization era best envisioned by a “Maggie’s Farm” outcome, wherein “The National Guard stands around his door” be commonplace sea to shining sea. Under “Fascism”, this land is your land this land is my land no longer! Yes, Sessions doesn’t like the fact that the Federal G-Men have reneged on upholding the criminalization of illegal Doobie Joints and wants to fill the privatized prisons with “Three tokes you’re in for good” sentencing. That means two out of three jail cells will be occupied by a “black man”. I can hear it already in the over-loaded Federal Court houses: (Nigger Jim) “Your honor I plead guilty, I took 3-hits off a Doobie”. (Judge Jeanine Roy) “That’s 3 lad”? (Nigger Jim) “Yes your honor”. Gavel sounds…(Judge Jeanine Roy) “Sentence is life, take him away in chains, next Nigger Jim how do you plead.” IMAGINE, spending the rest of your life behind bars for getting high? Hey, “privatized prison” is a wealth building investment opportunity, fill “thum thar empty beds” in fact double-bunk and give the inmates a plunger - no toilet paper allowed! Whatever happened to leaving well enough alone? Every damn thing that Barack “My Man” Obama did for the respect and dignity of “Liberty” is being torn down - it is Nigger Jim Fascism gripping our souls today. Maybe when the smoke of the “Revolution will not be televised due Net-Neutrality Netanyahu Neutering” clears away, maybe this nation we still cherish shall be divided up appropriately. The have and the have nots is a good starting point. There exists plenty of cesspools for the rich. Look Levon Nunes assholes in Congress, California can join with Oregon and Washington to behave as its very own bonafide country. It doesn’t need Uncle Sam’s nourishment handouts to survive with a real economy and a genuine citizens’ based reality. And When California secedes, so will Oregon and Washington, and that means the entire west coast will be under a blockade. Idiots in Sessions’ Unabomber cabinet? No, it is Fascism taking over our true reality of “One Nation…indivisible with liberty and justice for all”. But this “revolution” is good, as like any conglomerate too big demonstrates a furor frightening anti-trust fever, this nation has become just like a complex corporation that does not understand which way is forward in relationship to going backwards. With Jeff Sessions’ thirst to take a stand on the caramelization(Target Nigger Jims) oversight of marijuana and start enforcing actions by overturning another Obama era advancement for mankind, the Furor is getting US used to living under oppression and making Fascism in vogue. Look, those wealthy assholes that embrace the 1% movement would embrace any form of government if it makes them more money. Yes, they would vote in slavery if it meant boasting up their bottom-line. And let’s go back in time, to see what power the Federalist’s Fascists really have with respect to arresting pot smoke. Precedence is set, as to the legality of arresting pot smokers goes back to Alaska, in Ravin vs. State, circa 1975. The police arrested a guy for having a few weeds in his living room, after a raid on his “privacy” and that was introduced as evidence when the “tooch” was a controlled substance. This now booked criminal was headed for a time in the orange jump suit when…Liberty came face to face with evil and “We the People’s State” prevailed. The case rested its peace due the 49er’s Constitution, that which granted a “Right to Privacy”!  See, the Grand Wizard has already spoken out that the U.S. Constitution does not protect or offer a “Right to Privacy”. But we live by rules of engagement that which is best for the country men & women and too hell with the rest, embracing those that protect our liberty to be left alone. Money isn’t everything in this life, Patriotism ring a bell over wealth! In a non-FASCIST arena, we are allowed the righteousness of legislation that shines in “freedom”. So, if a state finds a Constitution that provides for some semblance of that right to enjoy a “Private” toke, especially in one’s own home based on a gift of “Privacy”, then lack of a Federal statute that prohibits an action or inaction, a state’s protection clause takes precedent. That is why under Obama the criminalization of cannabis was not bothersome and went by the wayside, it had no guts for many states with a “Right to Privacy” on the books. Sessions is picking a fight the G-Men have already lost! Yes, “We the People’s State” takes control and the Sessions can kiss their golden throne ass goodbye. So many states already protect that right, for privacy, and that will trump any Sessions joyriding arrests for trying to enjoy a high. He can look and act like a “Big Shot”, but in REALITY he is but a scab on Furor Trump’s heel spur. So with Session’s, well just another podunk skunk that wants to shove Fascism up our kesta when we are having family time, because rape us in front of our children fascinates that Fascist pervert addiction. In fact, he reminds me of that arrogant little “Illinois Nazis” asshole of the Blues Brothers fame. Like a wet noodle, so is Sessions and a Sad Sack excuse for an Attorney General. But par for the course for the Furor’s reputation. Look, Fascism is at our doorstep! Case in point, when did we start gauging AMERICAN PATRIOTISM by a person’s wealth standing? Another Fascist element of surprise, as wealth buys freedom in Hitler like settlements soon to be our neighborhoods if we don’t get to action. “This train, we best be on board and bound for GLORY be is our calling today…

Oh, the foes will rise
With the sleep still in their eyes
And they'll jerk from their beds and think they're dreamin'
But they'll pinch themselves and squeal
And know that it's for real
The hour when the ship comes in
Then they'll raise their hands
Sayin' we'll meet all your demands
But we'll shout from the bow your days are numbered
And like Pharaoh's tribe
They'll be drownded in the tide
And like Goliath, they'll be conquered

Songwriter: Bob Dylan

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