Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Fake News?

Donald John Trump, acting out a Covfefe Castration Complex fantasy as the 45th Moron-in-Thief, is quick to pick on any news “Hot Off the Press” that is NOT in alignment his “Beach Haven” ideals. OK, he has yet to pick on the FOX tabloidism as it produces puss, which may get confused with pussy. And Trump’s “ideals” are not a real McCoy deal, as it can change with the golf score. Shithole or Shithouse? Pocahontas or Pokeacuntas? All past GOP presidents held respectable nicknames. Gipper, Poppy, Dubya and now we have the Hemorrhoid. In a nut-case-shell, if you are not rich or do not aspire to be such, you are lazy and not in vogue the Trump Dysentery Dynasty religion. A Trump “God” is but a gold statue. Look at the way the damn White House has been re-fashioned as a “Palace”, I no longer have 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue on my bucket list! And even though if some time in the near future the Oval Office is once again Americanized, forget it as the “fromunder” stench will always bother “brotherly love”. Razing the “House” is probably the only solution when we finally “Impeach” Portnoy Putin cronyism. Look, the WALL Street is running to damn HOT! In fact, it would better serve the People’s Constitution had the Bill Clinton “cum stains” remained. Now as a New Year’s resolution, put aside the fact that you cannot judge a book by its cover - that is old school as the Moron gives away books as gifts based on the cover’s erotic behavior, I guess? When the 45th visited the Pope, presented to the Pontiff were several titles of interest, as a book usually denotes an interest into the same likings. “This is a gift for you. These are books from Martin Luther King. I think you will enjoy them.” The wardrobe included: Stride Toward Freedom, The Measure of a Man, The Strength to Love, Why We Can't Wait, Where Do We Go from Here - Chaos or Community? Yes, and then when the Moron left the Vatican, black smoke was observed billowing out of the Papal Conclave. The reason given was due to the books “odore faecem”, some Latin lingo and Canon Law allows book burning if touched by the devil. It is like accepting stolen cash, I mean where in hell did the Moron find it cool to offer up books on “Freedom”? See, it would have made more sense to give the Holy man back issues of Sport’s Illustrated, with Melania body works! IMAGINE, had Mr. Moron actually read what the Great Emancipator had preached, “Democracy” would not be under threat of siege. The jury is still out on whether or not the Moron can read a book cover-to-cover due “Golden Shower” attention deficit, unless maybe a Playboy, which does contain some very intellectual writings. But then again, it may be just a picture book fascination for the Moron! Look, we are all guilty this “Dividing” that is tearing “Democracy” to shreds, Donald John Trump is just the “Dummy” with a temper and still holds a whole lot of control on how he directs his rage. Our dissatisfaction his ability is punished NOT daily but by the micro-minute through “Twitter”, it is today the true “Enema of the People”. But I just intentionally wasted 13-minutes of this precious MLK day to listen in on how CNN wasted a viewer’s time! See, Anderson Cooper ran a gig dig on how the Fred Christ Trump father & Donald John Trump son tag-team engaged in housing discrimination during the 50’s through the 70s. Sure nice to hit on this “crime scene” on this day honoring the true “King” of human rights, but Trump has been this nation’s president for 5-days shy an entire year - and now it’s time to bring to issue his family trait of discrimination against “blacks”? Blasphemy, a day late a dollar short. The fact Trump was convicted of these heinous crimes against humanity should have automatically disqualified him from SNL. Yes, CNN wasted 13-minutes to chastise the Trump Tower maggots molesting equal opportunity in housing - that which was paid for by Uncle Sam with the express written guarantee of no such discrimination allowed! And it required 25-years to get a conviction and during that time “Blacks” went mistreated - at U.S. government backed housing projects. What that means is the fact the Trump family benefited financially courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers while breaking the law! This was well known before Trump and Mr. Clean found an interest at the voting booth! So, 13-minutes to once again pick on the Trump Tower. Look, had we taken action…well just play a 1-minute Woody Guthrie protest song called “Old Man Trump” to get baptized upon the character today running and ruining the White House. Woody’s word tells the entire story in full color and then you will find the reason Donald’s castle is called the “Trump Tower” - as that was coined a long time ago by Woody as a sign of housing discrimination through premeditated segregation. Trump knows what that “Trump Tower” stands for and sells that filth around the world. It is NOT an icon of wealth, that is a secondary laundering benefit, it is a sign of prosperity from segregation and discrimination. I honestly believe the Trump Tower true to life motto is “Make America Segregated Again” and that is right up the Rikishi Stinkface Boogeyman’s alley - the reason a respected nickname for Mr. Trump is the “Hemorrhoid”.

Old Man Trump
Words by Woody Guthrie

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate
He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed that color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both
Welcoming you here to Beach Haven
To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place
To have your kids raised up in.
Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

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