Tuesday, January 30, 2018


 – January 30th, 2018

BPTN - Mainlining News - Pre Pathetic Speech:

This is the last day of Democracy, as a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS looms on the horizon. The value of the dollar continues to fall because the Global reach questions the “Trust” and the lunatic like mentality of the Moron. The price of oil ramping up, even though today the U.S. is an exporter of that “over excited extracted” commodity, increases for no apparent reason except wealth hoarding. And the stock market is manipulated so the wealthy can “FAKE” their worth due the day older dollar short hypotheses. What is even worse, Donald John Trump is taking marching orders from the Kremlin!

Hypothetical What If: Say “Russian Fever” was an invited guest to the House Chambers when the 45th president of these once United States delivered his 1st State of the Eunuch address. And before the next dawn, we were singing “Blue Moon…you saw me standing alone.” Yes this hypo as a hippo warning, as when the Moron said NO to sanctions against Vladismear Portnoy Putin, the oligarch went mad because Mr. Castration Complex wanted to start a war against Democracy so retaliated with the “Fever”. Death toll, all sitting members of Congress in attendance, the Supreme Court jesters and a whole lot of innocent people just trying to be American while attending this comedy show! But “Nothing to Fear” as the designated driver survivor is…drum roll please, Barron Trump and Ruth Ginsburg! See, Barron is a bit too young, but Ruth can act as a translator of the U.S. Constitution. Yes, we will be better off with an 11-year old with Ruth as a babysitter then the entire cast of adults once assembled under the auspices of a Congress. Welcome aboard Mr. Barron.

True American Statemen: Bravo. Bravo, Bravo to the Three-Musketeers! I am talking Bezo, Buffet and JP who trumped Trump on the morning of the “Melanomia Still Sucks” address. IMAGINE after returning from the World Economic Forum and tooting off how well the American economy is prospering for the wealthy only, how does it feel Mr. Moron going into that House Chambers to deliver a speech when - the economy did what? The DOW crashed how many points? OK about 600-points from last Friday’s closing bell and everybody keeps on smiling! See, the Musketeers said they would pave the way for single-payer health care and that ignited a Wall Street Crash for the goons that have made putting up with a hernia a whole lot cheaper than castration. The timing was precise, as maybe some real statesmen like leaders are getting sick and tired of the Moron equipped with a “Fool’s Gold” Congress! Look, if Trump Tower can be adorned in Fake gold leaf, so can Congress become such a ship of fools. This is the best news we have heard in over a year!

This Old House: House to change its namesake to “Fentanyl” and the Senate will reciprocate with a new name, “Oxycodone”. This follows the fact that drug companies were pushing enough pain killers to the East Coast that could addict every damn horse, woman and child…

Devin Nunes “Cow Fart” Memo: Sneak preview of the Devin Nunes “Memo” written by a tapeworm. OK, Nunes consumes way too much cow fluctuance over there in Tulare County when he is hiding from real Americans. For ease of understanding the underlying context of this all-important “memo”, it has been reprinted as a picture is worth a thousand words, which is more thoughtful than the original memo. Note: 4 pages now (2) pictures. This redistribution of common sense was approved by Paul Ryan.

Day After Pill: What to look for…“The sun will come out Tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar”, after the Moron’s “State of the Eunuch” address? Where the Stock Market is adjusted to overnight. Since “Close of Bell” last Friday, the DOW has tanked some 532 Points.

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