Monday, December 11, 2017

Robert Mueller’s Day Off

Glory Bejesus Hallelujah, the government shutdown was postponed for another 2-weeks! Because…bum roll please - “unfunded mandate” unmarked freshly minted genuine $100-dollar bills from the Congressional Accountability “Pervert Slush Fund” went repurposed to keep the lights on at the U.S. Treasury. “Unfunded Mandate”? It means an elected Congress approved appropriation that which finds a source of Taxpayer generated income confiscated forever, even if a shutdown occurs it is replenished – it’s perpetual “money” motion science. Just like the salary increases for members of Congress. See, when Congress adjourns after a month’s long Christmas vacation, the 1st roll call used to be the “pay raise” for their salary, it was put up for a vote. If a raise was justified based on “cost-of-living” the vote was usually an overwhelming “YEAMAN”! If the economy was sad and American’s were feeling the pain and suffering of having to get by with moldy stale bread, any pay increase was usually postponed. That is when those so elected tried to be like US. But somewhere along the way the crowded schedule for rule-making, or “Lobby” stool pigeoning, it allowed for that “pay raise” vote to be automatic at the fall of the gavel “Congress In Session – But Out To Lunch.” An automatic “pay raise”? Wow, that seems Un-American. Too bad our elected officials were not like the rest of US – AT WILL! See, I must produce to keep my job and be above “meets expectations” to see any bonus money. Realize that the payments “We the Taxpayers” dish out for very little in return rewards the salary we pay Congress, well the ends do not justify the means. In retrospect, back in 1975 Congress realized a salary of $45000, which is today’s “Average Wage Earned” income across the board. Hoodwinked, as Congress was way ahead of the income curve and could have postponed any increases for about 45-years. But somewhere along the way that increase hit “TILT” of scale and increased 287%, by their own accord that salary ballooned with an additional $130000 bucks of our hard-earned loot confiscated then regurgitated. OK, Congress has not enjoyed a salary raise since 2009, as that is when the “Do Nothing Congress” Bozo Bus circus came to town. OK, when the auditors went back in time there was acknowledged a calculation error along the way, so it is catch-up time – excuses, excuses. Realize also from 1789 through 1825, members of Congress “volunteered” service to country and paid an 8$ per-day per-diem – enough for a Sam Adams, a cheese-burger and a bunk. What a concept, “Look what’s happening out in the streets ~ Got a Revolution ~ Well, we are Volunteers of America, Volunteers of America”! OK, I stand corrected one last time as it was 2009 when the “Congressional Pervert Fund” started to require replenishing, so instead of a pay raise shore up the “Slush Fund” just in case…Hey, with a “Do Nothing Congress” as part of Newt Gingrich’s “Contact Syphilis for America”, spare time allows for a whole lot of nookie negotiating behind closed doors. But that “Pervert Slush Fund” is today like the Eunuchizer wabbit, refills are free and on auto-pilot for the “Please Do Something Congress”! When I ask for "leadership" performance, I don’t mean sexual abuse! But with some chump-change keeping the government up and running for a time before a time-out, with the lights on full bright that makes it easier for the Wall Street crooks to raid the henhouse. And it appears the combination to the “Great Safe” is part of the “Tax Reform” soon to be signed into effect by the MORON. That word “REFORM”, it scares me, but kind of sums it up this “Taxation Reform for Over-Achieving Cheaters 101”. See, in the oil & gas sector a “Reformer” is a chemical process that can take “crap” and disguise it as motor fuel. Yes, take low-octane(that which defines the middle-class) and renegotiate the worth and you end up with high-octane(that which defines the wealthy). See, it works by dismantling through annihilation the low-grade atoms’ peaceful right to be left alone as nature intended, taking the good stuff through castration and rejecting the “left”-overs as, basically burned in “gas chamber like hot ovens” – HEIL ANNIHILATE! Then the confiscated “good stuff” is distributed to blend with – well my car can run on the cheap-thrills whereas that “Oh Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz” needs the good stuff to rock’n roll, especially if a get-away heist from the Treasury or the Russians getting out of Dodge fast with a Mueller-Tail hounding. It is like an added value tax this reforming process. OK, if that science lesson was too difficult and stealing from Paul to benefit Peter doesn’t ring a bell of concern, then it is like stuffing 1-poundMeToo of the Moron’s intelligence in a 10-poundMeToo condom – which means a whole lot of hot air space for premature ejaculations by the circle jerks. His pussy posse. Sorry the “Reform” made me confused as the Moron doesn’t have 1-ounce of intelligence. I will get back to you on this science after conferring with Phineas J. Whoopee my guidance counselor. Yes, I am still in detention, close to 55-years! But on another subject of minority interest, how much has the FBI condemned “Trump Tower and Putin Dildo in Cahoots” caper cost US already? It is also called the COVFEFE CASTRATION COMPLEX, in FBI code. And has any single guilty individual seen the likes of an 8x8 with bars and a toilet pit without a sunscreen? No, and don’t hold your breath. Look, the entire investigation would have and should have been over with by now. There was NO smoking wabbit, maybe it got away! It was just an exercise in pathetic preferential treatment sadistic abuse upon Democracy by the filthy rich kids of “Access Hollywood” perverts. Perverts, like everywhere from the top down all the way down the line – thought this ended with Woody Allen? Like it’s in Vogue to be a “Pervert”! So why is it we have yet to see “Robert Mueller’s Day Off” and continue to see an ongoing probe wherein the heat has been turned up by the J. Edgar Hoover G-Men? See, the Tower MORON attacked the FBI and wherein Phase II - the Putin Dildo evidence – it was but a non-necessity this investigation, even with the firing of James Comey. Until that shot across the bow from Mar-a-Lago, it rekindled faith in a dangerous proposition. It was until recently a nothing-burger, like the 45th Moron-in-Chief, but it is today front and center of attention this ongoing investigation. OK, it is a Witch-Hunt with merit. And to make matters worse off, his Moron staff joined in this attack upon the FBI and now members of the GOP are on board this attack plan to euthanize Mueller. Assholes like Newt Gingrich, mentioned again, who once cherished a Robert Mueller at the helm are now taking cheap shots at the “Chief Law Enforcer’s” credibility? Look, if a guy like Mueller finds his credibility under scrutiny, we as a nation are way off course! That is dangerous territory to venture into, be careful who you tango with especially if this country’s FBI! Not only does that entity know all, hears all, it can make things up that would appear forever to be the “Truth, the whole Truth so help me J. Edgar”. But the Trump Tower, his cohorts in shame and now the GOP Congress, they are STUPID this demonstration to pick a WAR with Mueller. They may win the battles, but in the end it will be COVFEFE time, lights out. So, how best to bring justice for such a jackoffadaisical and condescending perverted justice attitude by the MORON faction of society? Simple, destroy the Trump Tower family name and wealth. That is what is happening, this drip-by-drip is designed to cause hate and discontent amongst the privileged, keeping the perverts on edge. In fighting and finger pointing will implode tranquility then explode and expose it all – it is a self-destructive behavioral mechanism. Mueller acts out the Henry Murray fascination, as to how one with legal lawman power can pretend to push the “needs assessment” to the limit with respect to “Half of the people can be part right all of the time and some of the people can be all right part of the time, but all the people can't be all right all the time” and prevail and laugh all the way to that well deserved “Day Off”! And when the “shat hits the fan” the “Golden Shower” will not have enough capability or capacity to douche douse the meltdown. I am sure this will be the worst Christmas ever for the Trump family and it is wearing away idiot by idiot, the intent of this investigation. Why so this infatuation to destroy an entire family instead of sending a few “stools” to the clink? Prosecuting with the intent to seek jail time is difficult in these situations, compounded by the fact it could end up being an exercise in frustration, due the “pardoning” power of the President. Mueller knows what he is doing, and it is easy to see already the outcome of his plan, which is in REALITY just protecting the men and women dedicated to…well they have a duty to protect the President, his family and all the MORON can do is fire back empty rounds like he suffers from Erectile Dysfunction? IMAGINE attacking those that are supposed to protect – STUPIDITY need I say any more. Which means the MORON gives not a rat’s ass about his family, remember “I’m the only one that matters”. But this is U.S. Taxpayer money well spent, this continued sweeping investigation, as we must start to tear apart the wealth that blinds us through this binding together of despicable favoritism behavior from Un-Patriotic wealth hoarding. This investigation may be the catalyst that tears down that “Wall of Wealth”, that money cannot buy everything! Simple Simon, the more money the more control upon what we get for freedom’s sake in comparison to what they get, it is no longer a 2-way street. Their easy street needs a “Detour” sign! So, Mueller is looking out for, well Patriotic America which is rooted not in tax-free 10-million-dollar estates set aside for purposes of evasion, but this land belongs to the “salt of the earth proletariats” and when the wealthy see fit to act above the law, thank God for Mr. Mueller and the FBI. Said again, this entire “Golden Shower” affair would have been by now but a lessons learned for the sake of “History”, gone away, but the MORON – well maybe he is really broke-poor so has nothing to lose and could in the end claim “Martyrdom” has he and his family cry-baby all the way to Bankruptcy court – and that is where we will see True Patriotic justice served! And when it is official of “Robert Mueller’s Day Off”, rest assured we have taken back what was lost through “Hooky”.

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