Thursday, December 7, 2017


Really? Really but for NOT Reality? Legislative members of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, those under the umbrella of the United States Congress, at its disposal for personal use is a “PERVERT FUND” courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayers? Yes indeed, a bonafide “Trust-Me Slush Fund” with unlimited resources – because it is an article of bribery before the Treasury’s Treasure Chest – a fund to pay off perversion in a “settlement”! And from a legal standpoint, pinch yourself again as a settlement means never associated “of-record” guilt and usually shows its satisfied face as a “Sealed” disclosure, so we have no idea how much we pay for Congressional “Perverts” to have their cake and eat it to. Double jeopardy is against the law, against the legal merits of the United States Constitution. But if a Senator rapes a staff member, gets caught and then settles with a payout from income garnished away from your hard-earned payola, “We the People” are thus raped - it is without doubt “Double Jeopardy” at its fullest extent. It all started with the 104th Congress back in 1995 when Congress convened after a two-month plus a few days on “TILT” for Halloween with Thanksgiving with Christmas with New Year’s vacation combined all in one. Matter of fact, Congress had 198-days of “Truancy”, but were able to get a bill passed that catered to this “Congressional Pervert Fund”. OK, it is under the auspices of the “Congressional Accountability Act of 1995” and the 1st billed passed after the House and Senate convened and united under the totality of the GOP for the 1st time since 1954. It was Bill Clinton’s 2nd tour of the “Oval Office”, and a house warming party by Monica was to become an attention getter. But on January 3rd, the 1st day back to work, the “Pervert Fund” became Public Law, under what is called an “Unfunded Mandate” – a.k.a. doesn’t fall under government spending bills so is perpetual with respect to what can be stolen away without reservation. It works like this. If government spending stopped at the midnight hour and a “shutdown” was in effect, members of Congress could then spend time with “perversion” and money for this extracurricular activity would be free for the taking – as it is funded by a back-door “spigot”. Wow, Newt Gingrich was the “House Speaker” and when the vote came to the floor, it was 91-YEA, 9-NAY. Barbara Boxer was one of the Senate “NAY” votes. With the House, 394-For and 28 Democrats said “NO”! And, challenge this thought the day before John Lennon’s bad day. John Conyers voted against it. I guess when it became law, it enables! So, but for this fund, a ways and means to get away with rape, legislation that…well log this day as the “Day the music died”, so “Bye, bye Miss American pie”, thanks for what it was worth before perversion set its sights on “Democracy” for all and now includes "Perverts in the mainstream. IMAGINE, you and I paying the fine for members of Congress to play out their pathetic fantasies.

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