Friday, December 8, 2017

John Lennon Today

December 8, 1980 ~ “Somebody spoke and I went into a dream. I read the news, oh boy. And though the news was rather sad…”

December 8th, 2017 ~ Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of…WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT, Glory, Glory Hallelujah! John Lennon taught US the “so easy” solution to ending WAR, before he was mowed down by the insane maniac society that he warned US about a long, long time ago. It came true, this society bent on “Total Political Destruction” the only solution, keeping the citizens at bay any civility towards one another through political control unbecoming an Patriotic American sworn to protect my freedom. Yes, it is Xmas time again, as trees get decorated with little ballerinas and other magical tiny dancers, while shopping sprees highlight giving peace a chance, through road rage timeouts and I see smiles for miles in us all. But why so “We the People” so lucky our right to life and liberty and happiness sing and sway “Undivided” in harmony but for only a few days each year? And the fact this nation remains so divided, it is WAR right smack in the “Homeland” the Great Divide” that which started with the 2016 election – like it was planned? OK, it has been in the planning stage for many years, the time was right and the opportunists made their move. As “Divided We Fail & Fall”, and we are confronting a Democracy in freefall, and it will hurt when we hit the bottom floor of NO RETURN. So, we are at truce for such a short duration during yuletide and joy, but even so the carnage continues with the new-age weapon at our disposal for cheap thrills, that which can be deployed from the comfort of our living rooms – this “Twitter” nonsense which assists in the aiding & abetting this destructive “Divide”. It displaces “HATE” for “LOVE”! That is my New Year’s resolution, to “Kill” my ease of destruction upon…well it could be my neighbor! “Twitter” should have a warning before sending, like “Are You Sure”? So, John Lennon was so right-on when he postulated that “WAR” is over, if! So why is it too close for comfort what appears to be another “American Revolution” from sea to shining sea on the horizon, as we are in the 7th inning stretch of a Constitutional crisis meltdown?  “We the People” have a Congress that wants this WAR to continue on unabated, as when we as a nation are so divided, it gives that body the wherewithouts to act out their mean-spirited aggression and any “Bipartisan” fellowship finds itself drowned in the cesspool of zealous religious jealousy. Remember, “God is a concept by which we measure our pain”, nothing more! Now Mr. Lennon warned US a long, long time ago that politics would become insane with maniacs, and I guess Congressional “perverts”. Remember, “By neurotic psychotic pigheaded politicians. All I want is the truth, just give me some truth. No. short-haired, yellow-bellied. Son of tricky dicky's. Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me. With just a pocket full of hopes.” With that proclamation, Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I ask is it time to abolish the Congress? That body of “misfits” serves NO useful purpose these days, except keeping the insanity of “HATE” vested against “Tranquility” along with this maniac investment to limit our Constitutional fortitude, like a push and shove for a convenient center of attention the likes a bunch of “Nowhere Man” wannabees – and the righteous citizens all walks of life get sucked up in the fallout. Make America Great Again, not with a Congress that cares only about “Me, me, me is all that matters”, the MORON thinks the same. But that is another subject matter onto itself, for today the pain we still feel on the anniversary of Lennon’s…he never died as “LOVE is the Answer, FOREVERMORE”! Always was, always will be, best take that stand or else! And so this is Christmas and John’s dedication to this season of "LOVE" upon one and another sounds aloud, sea to shining sea. IMAGINE, as we could move it to be more than just a seasonal fantasy, John planted that seed and I believe it is about to root, if so we must keep the politicians away from the Round-up! And thanks to Elton John, for singing “Tiny Dancer” for Yoko on this “Strawberry Fields Forever” day of “LOVE”, YOKO, you married a music man! Time to leave, as LOVE is calling….and for today and maybe more to come, FUCK WAR and the WARLORDS, the DADDY WARBUCKS hounds, the WARWHORES that think they represent the American Spirit! Definition of Congress? You betcha….

So this is Christmas and what have you done
Another year over, a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones, the old and the young
A very merry Christmas and a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fears
And so this is Christmas for weak and for strong
The rich and the poor ones, the road is so long
And so happy Christmas for black and for white
For yellow and red ones let's stop all the fights

A very merry Christmas and a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fear!

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