Monday, December 4, 2017

Golden Shower Repairman

Remember Lucille Ball? I surely do and “Oh RICO, Oh RICO” takes on a new headmistress. RICO? Before today it meant Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act and an all-powerful legal instrument that was and is today used by the J. Edgar Hoover Lawman of this land to arrest Mafia like gangland groping. So successful this legal tool, when it became the law of the land back in the 70s, that it was extended by Congress to reach-out and seek-out indictments upon non-Mafia Nostra corruption, with success. It became an easy method to indict the players and “Kingpin” in criminal or civil misleading dealings. So, starting right now, replace the “Racketeering” with “RUSSIAN” and all else remains the same for arresting suspicious activity. OK, I always thought that this KT McFarland was just an ordinary imaginary Nappy-headed…and that is mild respect with respect to Donald John Trump’s 200-word “Access Hollywood” dissertation on "De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see." Don’t’ understand that line, dig up John Lennon! And all this hoopla about the possibility of a Logan Act booking violation against the mobsters in the White House??? Think again as the way the Toids are reacting to the news that United States ARMY Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn was just following orders in contacting the “Golden Shower” repairman when it was well known that Obama used his own plunger, it exonerates his felony conviction. He was only doing what he was commanded to do, by the MORON-in-Thief Donald John Toid. Sidebar on this Toid: A Trump hemorrhoid that won’t go away!!! What had gone on back stage then when Obama was packing up, what is still going down upon the main stage today as the Toid unpacks our Democracy and desecrates “And Liberty for All” then defecates on the CONSTITUTION, the MORON continues to deny guilt and embraces Putin at every damn opportunity - it is right up the RICO alley-cat highway for prosecuting. OK, the evidence. KT is of record since yesterday that on December 29th of last year and only 22-days prior to the Toid’s swearing in, wherein hardly anybody showed up at the inauguration ceremony except paid recruits, Nappy KT thanked Russia for throwing the USA election to her boss, the Toid! Look, the Toid is very familiar with this RICO stuff when it was still under the auspices of “Racketeering” as in 2013 he was on the defense fence for a RICO charge against him for…drum roll please, money laundering CORRUPTION! Which could have landed this yellow matter custard horrid-hemorrhoid in jail for a very long time, instead it was settled out of court for a $25-million dollar “Get Out of Jail Free” card. Sometimes “Settlements” skirt the true intent of justice served, as it fails the “precedence set” rule. Bribery settlements allow a perpetrator to deny guilt and walk away smiling. Had a settlement not been allowed in this case, “We the People United as Patriots Against Toidism” would not be in this predicament today with an illegitimate president at the helm and only a measly Tricky-Dick finger pull away from total annihilation. He would have been behind bars, and not allowed to ransack our tranquility by being in bed with Putin’s organized crime syndicate. During the 2016 election follies, Putin is of record emphasizing that Russian organized crime “abroad” - which means here in the “Homeland” - was an opportunity, not an embarrassment or a threat. So why has not a RICO standing order been Nappy-headed-ho towards Mar-a-Lago, as we have more than enough proof that Putin influenced the election through the use of his corrupt organizations “abroad”. Why no fall-out so far with enough evidence to indict that ham sandwich’s crumbs? We are afraid to go there, where No Man has gone before to indict a sitting U.S.S.R MORON and everybody associated with the “Toid” is already off the hook this interference our 2016 nightmarish election. Get over it, as the Toids are laughing all the way to their Wall Street banks with the new “Tax Reform” recently unveiled by permission of the Kremlin. Manafort and the others under arrest, that abuse was beyond reach the election erection ejaculation. See, Flynn is not under any “House Arrest”, he is this day probably wining and dining on our buck, as he claims he is “broke”. The only person that has served any time, so far this RICO violation on its face, may be Mike Pence. Oh RICO, he may be under house arrest and doing his time today and – time’s up he be a free man by Christmas. According to Phineas J. Whoopee, a very reliable source that is usually correct wherein G-Men things are kept “Secret”, Pence received only a 90-day sentence with 60 suspended for admitting that he had no idea the “Golden Shower” repairman was not authorized to work in the United States. But this entire fiasco being propelled by “Twitter”, a subsidiary of corruption prevailing under the 1st Amendment Right for flight and requires NO IQ to be a member in “good standing” as it cannot discriminate against “Idiots”, it is a show merely and exactly that, a Hail-Mary curve ball to take our attention away from very serious matters at hand – and that is enough to scare the hemorrhoids into hiding. This again from Whoopee’s “Magical 3D Telescope”. See, not only was the Vladismear successful in getting a “stool” in the Oval Office, his super-techies were able to infiltrate our defense “Tubes” that which communicates critical time-sensitive atmospheric anomalies - like space projectile re-entry activity - to NORAD. And like make believe votes cast in a way to influence Russian perversion, Putin can now re-broadcast “Fake” signatures of incoming ballistic missiles from rogue like nations, including North Korea – to look real by fooling our satellite radars! It could be all a “Hoax” this crap supposedly being blasted off from Hung-ho Hung-lo land! It could confuse the heel spur hell out of our next moves, as Putin is trying to trick US! So, the test continues on and it is Vladismear Putin behind it all – and all the Toid can do for our “Red, White and Blue” is embrace a foreign hemorrhoid when opportunity knocks!

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