Saturday, December 2, 2017

Friday Night Special

Here is the GOP’s “Friday Night Special” Tax Reform in a nutshell hot off the backburner afterburner – Burnout EJECT those politicians you SELECTED as REJECTS they are! Trust or Thrust augmentation this afterburn sensation? Yes indeed, Corporate America got the “Thrust” and we were cheated on the “Trust” this legislation. It gives the “Shaft” new life. No need to dissect all 478-pages with unreadable nuisances to illegible nonsense sidebar “cheat” notes in Russian like Pig-Latin, this totally in-denial bull-crap document. In fact, this “Thrust without Trust” is in the essence of the skunk a decree best described in its entirety as “This Page Intentionally Left Blank”, the only worth a waste bucket not even recyclable! Before the 115th GOP Congress and “We Represent but can’t Read” tax code manipulation of 2017, a Mitch McConnel premediated brainchild plan to suffocate the proletariat class income some more, “Corporate Taxation” benefitted the U.S. Treasury at a 35% book-rate-of-return before-scum-scams. The more that entity pays, the less “We the People” must pay out of pocket to fuel things of necessity, like the salary paid without merit the scoundrels in Congress or for “sexual harassment habit” settlements, by the same scoundrels abusing innocent staffers. IMAGINE, a slush fund for perverts, no wonder Donald John Trump wanted to enter this political arena, the fringe benefits. The heck with any salary! But this outdated “Tax Code” about to be changed and become the law of more than ever a poor man’s-land, after write-offs and allowable deductions along with the fuzzy-math no one understands but permitted by IRS auditors, it was in actuality a 15% tax burden – we learned that from Mitt Romney, and he was honest about it. But for 2016, it settled out at 13% plus some chump change. Yes, “Loopholes” that are intentionally imbedded in that “Code” allows for - in reality or else “You’re Fired” - only a 13% garnishment on the mighty corporations like EXXON. About 2x less the average middle-class income bracket payout. Now my good compadre Phineas J. Whoopee calculates that from that outdated 35% long-shot goal post, because not only cannot our Representatives read it appears they cannot count above 1+1, the same math magic will work with the new “Reformation” and in reality again or else, this new and improved “Corporate Taxation” of 20% by the numbers equates to a deficit of minus 2% - through the “loopholes” that will remain. Which means for every dollar of “profit” generated on the books, American Corporations will enjoy a return of 2-cents on the dollar! No need any longer to hide those profits away far and away “offshore”, as starting in a few days it will pay to be honest! This wasn’t by design mind you, it just happens to work that way with the “LOOP”. For a company like EXXON, that means a bonus from Uncle Sam “Feeds You” of…drum roll please, an estimated $40-million bucks every 90-days. Maybe this is a good incentive plan – make a profit enjoy a profit, like I said out loud already, it used to be Uncle Sam “Needs You”, but now if Corporate America, Uncle Sam “Feeds You”. OK, General Electric doesn’t pay any “Corporate Taxes”, that we know and what about Donald Trump? OK, there is a reason we will never see a simplified tax code. It has been tried and tried again, $millions$ has been spent year after year to study “fairness”, yet we never see the light at the end of the tunnel with simplification. Reason? With a simplified tax code, everybody pays a fair share! The 478-pages of this newly ordained GOP proffer fluff, it complicates the heel spur hell out of “Taxation”, so yesterday may be…look, the benefits of a backfire may be what is in store for the scoundrels. For over 40-years the GOP has been trying to force Americans to fend for themselves, by trying to block entitlement programs. So, in a few years when the increasing deficit from this GOP “Tax Cuts” starts to strangle-hold the U.S. Treasury due the fact the payback to “Corporate America” will take precedence over feeding the poor, state’s right will become paramount the “state” of each state. By strangleholds on the Federal funds, a state will react by spending its own money on feeding the poor and other essentials of “Life, Liberty and that Pursuit to Happiness” and better money-management then wasting loot on “golden shower” whores. Which will drive a decrease in the deficit and that in turn will call for less Uncle Sam government bailout spending – this is not the GOP plan, but how it will play itself out. States can probably do a better job today at taking care of things, as things that are out-of-site out-of-mind loses its luster for recovery benefit. When our representatives are far and away removed from the Real McCoy way of life when over yonder the “Beltway” cesspool, they have “zero” idea what life on the ragged edge is all about and at a loss when it comes to describing how the middle-class is so defined today. Remember, it was not the intent of the 1st Continental Congress to mandate that there would always be a central location for members to meet and cheat. It was out of convenience due the sign of the times, with horseback and roads to nowhere fast. So maybe that “Thrust” will cause a “backfire” and maybe it is time to find reason to believe and dictate a total reduction in Federal government spending, to the point: Do we really need a Congress? Not the kind we have taking up residency in the Capitol that which cannot read, cannot write and seems to be pacified by Russian intelligence over its own lack of intelligence. Constitutional Crisis, we are in the 7th inning stretch as this legislation is like a candy store robbery before our very own eyes. So, Corporate America has been given one hell of a Christmas bonus, and that must be funded through a reliable source of income, hold on to your wallet. OK the real reason we have yet to see any equitable “Tax Reform” the past 40-years, we cannot have it both ways. What is good for the rich is lame for the salt-of-the-earth middle-class working heroes, sea to shining sea “This land is your land, this land is my land” not those rich assholes to own ruling rights upon and vice-versa, as when “We the People” win, the rich become sore losers. Now we shall in time see, as to what faction of American society is “In” with this 478-pages of last minute bargain basement legislation, who is going to benefit. See, Congress worked late into the wee-wee hours to steal from Peter to pay Paul, and we know they do not work such overtime for free, or for US – so it was the “Loophole Lobby” that kept the coffee brewing for this legislation’s passage. Look at it this way, with pass-throughs and that minus 2% deficit, if I become an “Independent Corporation” that means my yearly salary will increase by $1400 wonder bucks a year. Remember, it is not a two-way street as there is a dead-end for either US or them! “Biggest act of Thievery ever”? That is what Bernie Sanders had to say about it and he is usually right on such assessments. Are we BANKRUPT, maybe not this day but it appears the henhouse will be in foreclosure very soon. What if, what if we all decided to STOP paying taxes due this theft that is not a question of “If” but “When”? It is possible to defy the U.S. Constitution with respect to collection of taxes, as all middle-class wage earning Americans should now unite under a single “umbrella” of “Patriotic” protection as our vote no longer counts, just ask Putin about that. But our hands, that which works the tools of the trades to keep America beautiful, unlike that vote that is hacked away as soon as an elected official meets his erection maker at the Lobotomy Lobby’s “happy hooker hour”…let the bastards try it! By uniting under a single umbrella of “worker protection”, we own and control everything except the weather, the time has come to make Woody Guthrie proud to be a Beach Haven wonderer. So, on January 30th, 2018, instead of tuning in to watch Donald John Trump embarrass this nation some more in his 1st and hopefully final “State of the Eunuch” address, the “Lousy Hat Party” plans to hold sign-up and registration opportunities for a “One Union Under God” to show those in Congress who really is the “Boss Man & Boss Woman” of this nation! More to come on the “Lousy Hat Party” and this “One Union” drive.

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