Saturday, December 9, 2017

Constitutional PROCLAMATION

Hear Ye, Hear Ye…comes now before the United States Citizens this proclamation ordering and ordaining the following changes to the U.S. Constitution:

Preamble ~ WE the PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article I (Article 1 - Legislative)

Section 2
3-SUBSET: Section 2-3 is amended with the following additions.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the States included within this Union, wherein ½ of each state’s respective numbers shall be of male gender and the remaining ½ that of female gender. For purposes of Transgenders, declaration of gender is either or none of the above.

Section 3
1-SUBSET: Section 3-1 is amended with the following additions.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, wherein 1 Senator shall be of male gender and 1 Senator of female gender. For purposes of Transgenders, declaration of gender is either or none of the above.

Notice: This change to the United States Constitution shall not find itself culpable under any Federal statute or law that which addresses bias based on gender discrimination. This change is effective on January 3rd, 2018 and of record for future election cycles with respect to Representatives and Senators of the United States Congress.

Why for this PROCLAMATION: The 115th Congress has before it a serious problem inherent within its rank & filth file. There exists an unabated practice of unkind acts with aggressive perversion, wherein over $17-million dollars of U.S. Taxpayer monies has been “secretly” awarded as a “Settlement” in sexual abuse cases, the guilty perpetrator a member of this governing body. Yes, a guilty verdict many of those “sworn” to uphold not only their peckerwoody. This “Pervert Slush Fund” to payout the “enablers” was orchestrated by the 104th Congress under Newt Gingrich as House Speaker in his “Contract with America” midnight special. We the People were hoodwinked, then and today the fallout of preferential treatment this “perversion” that which may be rampant. The only clear-cut solution away from such abuse is to allow those of female gender to have more of a say in how Congress aligns itself against such hostilities towards those of the opposite sex. The only way that can be accomplished is by making sure the “female” voice is heard out loud clear and convincing, and that can only be accomplished through equal representation. The time has come for equity of equality, and the best place for that “seed” is in our elected officials on an equal basis. This PROCLAMATION is being proposed by “The Lousy Hat Party” and the plan is to push this decree to the forefront of citizen voters through a special election or included on the ballet for the U.S. Presidential race in 2020. Contributions accepted at This is what will MAKE AMERICA GREAT ANEW!!!!

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