Thursday, November 30, 2017

MAYhem Admonishment

Praytell comes disturbing word from Tennyson’s “crannied wall”, as the Prime Minister of Abbey Road, Theresa May, has declared a “MAYhem” decree upon Donald John Trump for haphazardly establishing a “Hatefully Wrong” social order, or words to that effect further defined by the UK Parliament as an “Evil Racist Fascist Asshole”. What is wrong with the TRUTH, as the 45th MORON-in-Thief is all things considered, add also a pervert and you have the qualifications of, well the reason the Secretary-of-State Rex Tillerson calls his boss a “F$%&ing MORON”. I don’t know if the “F’n” fits the MO, but surely without doubt the “MORON” fits and 58% of intelligent Americans, “Approve of this Message”. I am beginning to believe that Donald’s “Twitter” is manipulated by Vladismear Putin, as it is “smear” tactics at its loneliest behavior. Anybody that “Tweets” like this Madman MORON, must suffer from loneliness and the way psychotic professionals are starting to claim fame in efforts to interpret his mental state demeanor, a definite case of psychosis, bombs away may be this year’s Oval Office gift from the White House. One gift fits all, how the rich cop out of sharing. But Trump owes his MORONism to what he learned when a cadet at the prestigious New York Military Academy, so successful an endeavor at shaping young minds to understand the philosophy of the well-known “Boundary Theory”, it ended up in Chapter 11. Not much is known about the “Secret Society” played out at this “Richey Rich Brat” academy, except the fact that one of the “mandatory” subjects learned by students was…drum roll please, “HAZING”! Proof in the Hasty Pudding? “NYMA had a long tradition of hazing. Without being specific about just what conduct that sport permitted, the official cadet regulation book mentioned that prestigious schools and societies encouraged the practice as a rite of entry into their privileged worlds.” Oh Zowy Wowy, what came first the chicken or the egg gag US with a Russian dildo?  And wait there’s more, from a former student and classmate of the MORON! “Hazing at NYMA reached its climax in my time on the 75th anniversary of the school’s founding in 1889, with a reporter from The New York Times attending. On the eve of that celebration, the cadet captain of the feared “E” Battery proceeded to punish one of his charges by flogging him repeatedly with a heavy metal chain. In the middle of the night, the cadet who had received the beating went AWOL. He escaped the school grounds and found his way to a hospital, which treated him and called his parents, who called the State Police. As a result, the adult staff, including the Commandant, the Dean and even the Superintendent, were forced to resign, effective immediately.” Sounds more in line at teaching innocent kids how to “Torture”! OK Cx3 conspiracy theory time. Cx3 Conspiracy? Contortionist-Castration-Complex. See, there is also another prestigious school for the rich and famous, it is called HARVARD. And even though the ritual of “Hazing” not part of the curriculum, that may have been substituted with “Murrying”, a form of mental abuse “experimenting” devised by a renowned professor with ties to the CIA – for work that promoted mind control abuse. Dr. Henry Murray was the “brainchild” behind this social abusive experiment. Now back in the early 60s, there was a student named “Lawful” that was part of Murray’s experiments. Soon after graduating from Harvard and then writing his thesis on that “Boundary Theory” for a PHD in mathematics, this abused student then went to hide in the woods as he could no longer face the scars of those experiments. His name was Ted Kaczynski. And during those experiments at 8 Prescott Street on the Harvard campus, there was another student-patient guinea-pig nicknamed “Trump”. OK, since the “Murray” experiments have been forever sealed, no one really knows who the “Trump” character was? But it appears from the psychotic behavior the MORON-in-Thief, it is a “Henry Murray” experiment before our very own eyes and ears. OK, just look at how the MORON-in-THIEF reacts to normal everyday activities – loss of contact with reality is routine, which stems from personality changes and disorder of thoughts along with unusual and bizarre behavior followed by difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out daily life activities, like smiling. Praytell once again, as the “crannied wall” knows all, as we just compiled the definition of an individual under the influence of “PSYCHOSIS”. I am not a mental “Pot can’t call the kettle black” expert, but in this case “We the People” do not need a weatherman to tell which way the winds of destruction blow, and I feel it on the horizon heading our way! Kiss your ass goodbye, I never thought it would be so close a reality!

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