Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Jeff Sessions was, just yesterday, before Congress and when asked serious questions about the "Russians" doesn't bother to plead the 5th, no "Executive Privilege" invoked, instead and due to "unwritten" DOJ "Historical" precedence it allows him to lie under oath. When the TRUTH is sidetracked with such behavior, something "bad" is being covered up. It is an eviction upon the Constitution and a CONSTITUTIONAL "Crisis" confronts US! Take me out to the ball game, the REVOLUTION has begun. Instead of playing games, the entire Congress should have convened this am to indict Sessions, instead it is business as usual at the Capital and "We the People" continue to be under attack - by the Congress under a Donald John Trump "illegitimate" presidency. 145-days into the 45th's "Terms of Endangerment", on his 71st birthday - you can't have your cake and eat it too. This REVOLUTION will be televised!

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