Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Rich But Cold War Broke

See, I invented an "AP" that mimics the "Air Raid" sirens of old, as we have entered the "Evaporation Time" zone orchestrated by a "deplorable" mindset. OK, we have evidence from the "Trump Tower" eavesdropping by Obama that Ben Carson did his neurosurgeon Henry Murray "mind game" medical license testing on a patient named "Donald" - the reason for the funny hair color as something went wrong with the bottom-barrel slave surgeon's surgery. Anyway, it's "Free" this emogi, as I want to test whether or not we take things of national importance with any seriousness - like 3-seconds away from meltdown. What would get more attention these "Dreamer" days, a 4am rant-on rage "Tweet" from the Abandoner-in-Thief or it's "Incoming - Run & Hide" time? Back when I was learning how to spell and how to tweet treat others, to play fair and share while learning the fundamental rules of the road as a kindergartner, every Thursday like cloak-work we would hear and react to the "kiss your K-grade valentine goodbye best hide" sirens - that we were once again "in practice" under attack by Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. Look, Vladimir's name is cool, calm and collective in comparison to "The Nikita", so relax. Like Trump, Putin is big talk no action likes groping as a favorite piss-time pass-time so is NOT about to ruin a good slurpee. With Nikita, your could smell his bad breath of commie destruction from 4500 miles away the way a Semyorka ICBM flies. Now these ugly looking "Air Raid" sirens were strategically located in cities on rooftops and throughout rural America on telephone poles from sea to shining sea. And you could hear the death-grip of such a siren as it wheeled up and soon from the full-speed ahead sounding it meant head for the hills - or "Nuclear Fallout" shelters. There existed public air raid shelters all over the place - churches had special closets to hide and equipped with...nothing that would protect us from a nuclear rain! Had a bad dream the other night, a nightmare that I had been sheltered away with Kellyanne, Ivanka and Melanomia and the Russian attack was for real. Damn, it was like a remake of the Chaos Experiment - especially when they started licking my flesh! But when the "Nikita" threat was for real and ruled our peace of mind everyday, it was the time in history when at school and the sirens tested we would be directed to hide under those wooden desks - wood, which would ignite like a match when confronted by a nuclear blast. There was indeed instilled a fear factor, built into this madness. This "Hide and Peek" routine was practiced every week, and that was back in the late 50s. The only thing I learned about such "living in fear" was when "IF", head to the St. Leo the Great rectory as Monsignor Lamb had a well stocked wine closet - and he wasn't a pervert, just a lush! OK enough of the past as we have today right before us "Hoodwanked" what appears to be a repeat of those threatening years. But since House Speaker Paul Ryan has a dildo sized catheter shoved up his anal hole squirting political life essential cesspool juices up that cavity, its affecting his wealth and Congress wants me to pay more for health care...wake up people as all these ridiculous mandates of abuse costs money. And every damn thing that has come from the ZDonald Tyrump's office, it's tied to a tax break for the rich. So under the current GOP health plan to kill ObamaCare by killing poor people off, I will receive a stipend camouflaged as a tax break. But low and behold as the Phineas J. Whoopee "Tax Shelter AP" calculates that under the "phone bugged" president his goals to promote "Wall Street" will cost me - I'm bankrupt! And with the age-mature Senate, well Mitch wants a "Confederacy" back, so that means as a Yankee the gallows or castration may be my only destiny. So my "AP" to warn when "Let's drop the big one now" is reality and we can run nowhere safe, maybe just enough time to "Twitter" back in solidarity, "FUCK YOU DONALD TRUMP SUCK A DICK". His dad was known as the "Beach Haven Maggot" during the Nikita days and that meant fallout for the black folks trying to find a roof over their heads in the Brooklyn, with the Donald "Dick Haven Maggot" seems to fit. He's insane, he's retarded, he's got Russian blood so what do you expect. I can smell the Nikita bad breath all over again, and not from Putin! Yes, we are back in the "Cold War" days, and this time around it is really scary for a simple reason. See, back then we had diplomacy that worked day-in day-out to make sure we didn't pollute the earth with nuclear bugs. Today, the "Cold" is for real as we are a nation divided. And back then, even though a person could vote left or right, Congress was without failure a "bipartisan" entity - what the hell happened? We don't support the Commander-in-Chief and he is about to go off the deep end. We have lost the referee duties that the U.S. Congress at one time cherished as its ultimate goal, for "All the People". Look, this crap with heightened concern over North Korea's Jung Hung Low, just send Dennis Rodman to visit with a can of Silly putty. Or a bottle of Istinka Rump "Daughter Dearest" Eau De Perfum Pepe Le Pew, what "Trump Tower" whores douche themselves with so may be a turn on to the Korean douche. Get him addicted to it then Kellyanne doesn't have to make FOX sell the goods. When I woke this am, the FOX headlines was like a WWII "Extra, Extra Read All About It" nightmare reality. Brace yourselves, Donald Trump will start a World War and even though it will be but a limited engagement, let loose a single "Nuke" and it will have devastating effects for a long, long time when all the time he can retreat to a "Mar-A-Logo-Defile" haven. So "We the People" are being held hostage, by Congress and health care will leave sick people roaming around and if you don't live in a gated community, besides homeless looking for a handout the sick will be looking for a Band-aid, maybe some aspirin. But here it is in black and white. When the "Cold War" begins in earnest any day now, when the wealthy maggots barricade themselves in there safe haven safes surrounding them the smell of molding money, we can then get back our PATRIOTIC identity. Wealth is not what this nation is all about, we must start to tear down that "Wealth War" as it is the fundamental stalemate denouncing Democracy, denouncing Diplomacy and denouncing Decency. We will have to call back Barack Obama, once again as our leader like a Lech Walesa takeover, and "Solidarity" will rule. It has come to that, US Patriots against them thar Confederates - as nothing else makes sense and maybe my "AP" will be but a wet-dream fascination - what gets ZDonald so excited!

I got the news that the war had begun
It was straight for the Army Hall that I run
And all of the people in my home town
Was a running up and a running down

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
The crowd was packed by the railroad track
People was yelling and patting my back
And while the engineer rung his bell
I hugged all the mothers and kissed all the gals

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
I got to the camp and I learnt how to fight
Fascists in daytime, mosquitoes at night
I got my orders to cross o'er the sea
So I waved "goodbye" to the girls I could see

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
I got on a boat and I started to float
My old pack-sack and my big wool coat
With ten thousand men we rode the foam
And sung this song to the people back home:

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
I landed somewhere on a fighting shore
With ten million soldiers and ten million more
And while we were chasing that Super Race
We sung this song in the chase
It was:

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you

There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
So it won't be long till the fascists are gone
And all of their likes are finished and done
We'll throw the clods of dirt in their face
And walk away from that lonesome place

So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
So long, it's been good to know you
There's a mighty big war that's got to be won
And we'll get back together again
(Woody Guthrie)

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