Monday, February 6, 2017

Trump Blows 9th Amp Fuse

The 9th Circuit Court with the "Muslim Travel BANtering" appeal, what is at stake? Very simple maybe not, as historically the Lower Court does not have the power, does not have the authority and does not want to interfere and second guess the Commander-in-Chief. And the only reason the Court has placed a "STAY" on the ban and all the inter-agencies, both state and Federal, have obeyed the court ruling thus throwing the original Bannon Executive Order into limbo, but for a "moot" point for now? It is the fact America, in fact the world, is starting to second guess a ZDonald Tyrump presidency. And if the 9th Circuit Court finds in favor of Democracy over lunacy and keeps a lock on Trump, it defines an "ILLEGITIMATE" president and then Congress must act! Dear ZDonald, you only wish you could call your own shots. FUCK YOU SUCK A DICK!

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