Friday, January 27, 2017

Reflections for the First Lady

Dear Kellyanne Conway;

We know you are the acting substitute 1st Lady while Melanomia is away on other important business, as "contract wives" are like double agents - two lives. Is it true that the Russian Federation thinks that Melanomia is a spy on their side? Anyway, appears ZDonald is in need of some TLGO - Tenderloin Loving Groping Opportunities, to ease the pain and suffering that a "Majority" of Americans hate his ass only after a week in the cheat seat. Tenderloin, ass...Anyway, even though it appears you don't have that much baggage for "groping", at least his fantasy of statutory sexual perversion dominance with submission would be satisfied, but none of that "defile" stuff...could you, please!

Thanks Busty,

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