Sunday, January 15, 2017

Citizen's ARREST - Mike Flynn

Marching Orders - ZULU 2001

To: All Members of the District of Columbia National Guard:

Effective Immediately: On January 20th at ZULU 2001-hours, Major General Errol R. Schwartz, Commanding General of the Militia will be relieved of duty. Your "Marching Orders" are to immediately drop your position and commence to arrest Michael Thomas Flynn. He shall be arrested and detained under the "Espionage Act" and guilty under numerous violations of the "Logan Act". If any Donald Trump "minority party" supporters interfere in this order and your inherent duty to protect the U.S. Constitution when under attack by "Turncoats" as was exercised by Michael Flynn, you have orders to perform your duty under this order by whatever means required. This is NOT a DRILL, this is the WILL of the "Majority Voice"!

This is a "Citizen's Arrest" citation as allowed under State common law.

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