Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Letter to Donald Trump

If the following correspondence is of issue, please advise, else it will be delivered to its intended receiver. This is not an attempt to undermine the present administration's goals - just making good what the outgoing administration proposed and we should keep good our word. Please advise at

Dear Mahmoud Abbas
President, State of Palestine
Just yesterday, the Donald Trump administration demonstrated that it is OK for "U.S. Citizens" to speak with foreign leaders. So this correspondence is NOT against the Logan Act. I just want to assure you that should the United States through the State Department renege on that $222,000,000 humanitarian aid package to the State of Palestine, then "We the People Denied" will make good that offer. See, there are 65844954 "Patriotic Americans" that did not vote for Donald Trump & Mike Pence - a "Majority". That said, it amounts to an individual $3.36 donation - the price of a cup-of-coffee at Starbucks - so it is easy to make good that John Kerry with Barack Obama assistance package agreed upon in the final days of American Democracy. Yes, our "Democracy" is under attack as we are not "Impostors" and stand by our word. Did you see the crowds protesting against Donald Trump? And let's hope that Netanyahu is soon indicted. In the event it is discovered that 5-million of such votes came from dead people - as Donald Trump insists - we may have to decrease that aid package, cause you can't get blood out of a dead turnip. On second thought, no we won't as we will ask the contributions to be increased, by a measly 35-cents. And it's a "Tax Deduction"! So if we hear in the coming days that Donald Trump will build another wall between the outgoing administration and your state - please be comforted that the money will get to its intended audience. Peace Be With You! John Adams & Jane Adams 1 through 65,844,954 STRONG.

This message courtesy "The LOUSY HAT PARTY" - "He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat”, Mitt Romney.

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