Saturday, January 14, 2017

Dear товарищ Vladimir Putin

Dear Comrade Vladimir Putin;

Would you please post the ZDonald Tyrump's United States Federal Income Tax Returns? If you can assist in this request, I will pressure Barack Obama to honor you with the "United States Presidential Medal of Freedom", which has only been awarded to a handful of notable recipients - namely Pope John Paul II, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Colin Luther Powell and Joseph Robinette Biden. See, in the United States we live under a "Freedom of Information" sovereignty, to make sure our government is somewhat transparent. So if you would provide these precious must have documents "We the People Majority" would be in your dept, but time is running out if you are interested in that "Award". If you don't have a copy of this stuff, please have Ambassador Sergey Kislyak call Michael Flynn, as it appears these comrades have already extended a dialogue - even if in violation of the "Logan Act", which I may be also in violation for asking you this favor but will hold you harmless because many violate this law, even members of the United States Congress. So you don't have to worry about sanctions with respect to this request. I am a reporter in good standing for Breitbarf Newtwonk Noose. So within the next 6-days, please send documents to me at

Thanks, the Ghost of Spam McGee

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