Sunday, January 29, 2017

BreitBARF Update 1/29/2017

ZDonald Tyrump chats with Vladimir Putin:

"Hey ZDonald Vladimir here. How's the enlarged prostate? You got to get some gonads, use real soldiers in war not them Obama drone things..." I hear ya good'ol "Order of Friendship" buddy and Rudy will be at the Kremlin Tower tomorrow for the torch hand-jerk-off, Tillerson's idea. Do me a favor, pull his passport...ha, ha.


Commander-in-Thief Trump ordered 3am soldier hit in Yemen over the advise from brass to use a drone - 1 U.S. Soldier dead, 3-injured and loss of $millions$ in military gear that had to be self-destroyed during botched raid. This command decision came about after Trump became distraught with Federal District Court's "STAY" on Muslim Ban and his early morning "enlarged prostate" swamp draining.

"I'm the boss, if you don't like it...use a real kid, a muslim if you got one to spare!"

Unauthorized woman slipped into GOP retreat on same day Trump visited. According to police records she impersonated Melanomia Trump and was looking for Donald for some spending cash - impersonator pictured below from "I Spy" cameras. 

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