Monday, January 16, 2017


He turned his back on US. In 1964, ZDonald Tyrump was eligible for the selective service. There is NO way he was an active WAR protester, just a coward and used his skills to...he received an out for a minor and temporary condition - "heel bone" spurs. That "temporary minor" medical aliment continued for 8-years! Proof is in the pudding, where's the medical treatment records, where's the x-rays? This is a condition that lasts at most 9 to 12 months - then maybe surgery. But like it is so well defined in the medical journals, "Temporary & Minor". For ZDonald, why 8-years that which allowed several concurrent medical deferments? He turned his back once, no twice, no thrice and will do it again as he is the epitome of a walking COWARD, and it ain't heel spurs that makes him walk funny. Look, I don't trust a guy who cannot smile. OK, maybe that pathetic excuse to turn his head fighting for this nation was due the fact he may have had a hidden condition we were are not aware about, a phobia to share them Ho Chi Minh "ditches" with "Niggers"! As it was engrained in ZDonald that "racial hate color lines" are justified...ZDonald John Tyrump, yours NOT mine 45th Abandoner-in-Thief, just a walking COWARD. Just ask Woody about the "Trumps":

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate he stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts. When he drawed that color line here at his Beach Haven family project. Beach Haven ain't my home! No, I just can't pay this rent! My money's down the drain and my soul is badly bent! Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower where no black folks come to roam. No, no, Old Man Trump! Old Beach Haven ain't my home! I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both. Welcoming you here to Beach Haven to love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place to have your kids raised up in. Beach Haven ain't my home! No, I just can't pay this rent! My money's down the drain And my soul is badly bent! Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower where no black folks come to roam No, no, Old Man Trump! Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

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