Sunday, December 4, 2016

Wow, Proud Mary

Finally, after 25-days of pure unadulterated misery when Donald Trump started acting close to a lunatic imbecile let loose like an unsupervised kid in a candy store, finally there is something I as an American can be proud about. Drum roll please...Sarah Palin is speaking up against the "Tower" beast. Of the entire GOP Congress, not one sitting member has the balls and or gall and or courage to call in Trump's bluff on this "Carrier" jobs thing. Anybody with any sense realized right-off the blowhard bat that - well Mr. Maggot please don't think we are that gullible. Yes, NO courage from the 114th Do Nothing Congress and it takes Sarah to make waves. Reminds me of the lion on the Wizard of Oz - all cowards with "zero" courage. Just hope Trump doesn't take us to "WAR", as when we have a body in Congress that desecrates then defecates on the Constitution, has No Courage to speak up against tyrants, the shat flows downhill and "We the People" are the recipients. And haven't we had enough already? So GO SARAH PALIN, please be our adversary against trump-treachery.

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