Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wayback Wetback Wet Dream

CIA Report - MkUltra Update: Codename "Trump" goes back to the 1960's CIA experiments of renowned Professor of Psychiatry Henry Murray, performed in secret at the Harvard University "Annex". In a nutshell, the time when Murray was using "mind abuse" therapy and Timothy Leary was trying to tame LSD, the same experimental considerations using different tools of the trade. Another codename those controversial Murray mind games was "Lawful". His real name was Ted Kaczynski - a.k.a. the Unabomber! Many controlled experiments find an "outlier", and in Ted's case the CIA/Murray testing turned a brilliant 16-year old mathematics wizard into a bomb manufacturing plant. Please define "Dud"? Yes, I find respect over disrespect today with the CIA when push comes to shove. One would be crazed to downplay the significance even today of this agency's undercover mandate, funded by "un-vouchered" expenditures - which means nobody outside the Oval Office has any idea what it takes to keep this spy-war machine running. It is the only U.S. Government operation in existence today that has no oversight its funding - how much or wherein it is spent. Not even the Congress gets a hint of what is purchased under the disguise of a CIA covert operation. When called in front of Congress because some senator has a "woody", the CIA produces expense reports that lists booze, caviar and hookers with everything else redacted - and then pleads the 5th. End of any special hearings! Yes, the only thing to fear is fear itself - exception being the role that the CIA maintains even today. It is still in operation as a robust secretive weapon to uphold life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness for the "Homeland". That's what the agency is for and about - get over it any other conspiracy infested impressions. It is probably the only "Mobius bi-partisan" demonstration of a last resort when questionable activity surrounds what the Founding Fathers envisioned as a nation with stability of freedom - with liberty and justice for all, some day! Liberty & justice for all is the MkUltra goal today, even though that project supposedly came to a screeching halt - because of the way it was being managed. It was designed to find the true "Manchurian Candidate", to be used as a human weapon to keep this nation free and stable - protection against rogue opportunists here and abroad. Things are different today, as the last 8-years have subjected the will of the CIA to a different form of unified bonafide equality - with all walks of life thanks to Barack Obama's "I have a Dream"! So, inherent in the Declaration of Independence alongside the United States Constitution is a protection clause, at any cost. It is the Commander-in-Chief's ultimate weapon with a checks & balance - thus giving such clandestine power-of-brutality but with a caution citation. Even if a sitting president went too far out on that limb - hey freefall can hurt. And of course the CIA has weapons of mass destruction as well as microbrews for individual cruelty, chemical to biological to electronic to mind blowing at its disposal. It is basically an organization with its finger trigger on the pulse of what is happening day-in and day-out across the globe. Remember, it was the CIA that was first with boots on the ground in Vietnam - somebody gave that order! We are the world's peace-keeper - but sometimes things don't go as planned! The reason asshole regime change idiots are always under check - well one call from the Oval Office and the evidence is destroyed even before the act takes place. If Dung Hung Low was a true turd threat, done deal. And we may not always see the merits or benefits of behind the scenes involvement - and with covert secrecy, many of us will be in the grave before we really have any understanding of how, what, where, when and why! The CIA can and has a history of destroying its own evidence. But I have a feeling that a plan of action is taking hold, as a "majority" of Americans feel under attack - by a Donald Tyrump. We shall see, as time is running out - but for this clandestine operator, time is always on its side. Look, the CIA has a single agenda, protect our Constitutional sovereignty when dereliction demonstrates otherwise, even with executive members of our leadership all the way to the top. We have a "No Show Do Nothing" Congress. We have an incoming...I still have not found a definition that describes with any sense of worth what is heading our way with a Donald Tyrump presidency. Let's face it, the CIA could take me out in a heartbeat. If Donald Tyrump starts disrupting "Tranquility", which could destabilize things - action will take over then take cover. And here is why I think the CIA will deliver - sooner than later. See, we have come a long way with respect to "equality". That which in turn contributes to "Tranquility", which aligns itself with stability. When we as a nation divided starts to show a weakness that could lend itself to any destabilization - time to recalculate the buoyancy of the ballast tanks. As what we see in Donald Tyrump is inexcusable - but it was his upbringing that poses the problem today - and that is not in concert with "stability". He does not like the fact that he won the 45th position when the 44th was a "black man" - the back-of-the-line syndrome. Donald Tyrump is well known for his torturous attitude towards Barack Obama. Which is how he feels towards all "non-whites" and uses the 44th as a stepping-on  "others" stone. So how to make daddy Fred happy and once again draw that Beach Haven color line, the hallmark of the Trump Tower, destroy the Barack Obama legacy - and that began in earnest on November 9th. See, that is when Donald Tyrump realized he was possessed with "political capital" to make his daddy's dream come true in modern day times - that the back-of-the-bus is a justified place-holder for different skin color. This goes against the grain of who we are as a nation today. Yes, once it was a way of life, white on 1st, while others raced to the back of the bus - else face a fine maybe jail time. So there is no room today for Donald Tyrump's segregation interest, as if he can get his own way by destroying Barack's legacy even before any "sworn to oath", as then it will be other "minorities" so attacked with the same madness. It will destroy this nation, as we are no longer a white supremacy of Wayback Wetback Wet Dreams. Blacks have contributed greatly to what this nation stands for today, even though there is a lot more to accomplish. Same with all other nationalities different. Remember what made this nation great in the beginning. There is NO turning back or turning our backs as appears to be the latter case with many Tyrump supporters. Donald Tyrump's message of "Making America Great Again", just read between the lines, it is based on bigotry - as "Great Again" means "All White Again". And with the resurgence of the "White Knights", that which is designed for destabilization of "Brotherly Love", well this is wherein the CIA must act and will engage to disgrace the Tyrump. How it goes about that action, not my call, but the decision has been made - I can feel the momentum behind a crucifixion coming. So, don't go alarmed that if in a morning soon, like at 3am, we wake to the news that Donald Tyrump was bushwhacked. As everyday his action is nothing more than an attack on Barack Obama, for daddy's selfish sake with no gain for this nation. And if the CIA needs a handout to arrest this Tyrump madness so directed upon and against a great man, a greatest of statesmen,  a peace-keeper, I can contribute and do not need it as a charitable donation token - even if used in celebration "mission accomplished" with hookers and booze. Amen!

(Fred Trump teaches Donald about Beach Haven Segregation)

The "Trump Tower" drew the Beach Haven line of segregation once before, it won't happen again with Obama's CIA!

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