Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My Apology, NYET!

So Benjamin Netanyahu went perturbed over my support for Barack Obama and wants the Department of Justice to arrest me under the Logan Act, for communicating with foreign officials. See, on “This Blog Kills Fascist”, I posted my support for Barack Obama and the United States’ position with respect to contested Israeli settlements. So I guess an apology is appropriate, even though I didn’t think I was in violation of the law, as even our very own Congress violates the same and gets away with it. Hey, what’s good for the dandruff is good for the…So Dear Mr. Netanyahu, thanks for being a leader that takes pride in our American way of life. I am glad that citizens from Israel can come to my country ‘Tis of Thee and enjoy that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness the way I do. I am especially proud of Dov Katz from your homeland, here on an extended visa under your guidance. I am sure his stay here will resonate around the world that Israeli citizens want a peaceful solution to matters of concern human right wise. Sorry if my “Opinion” upset your peace and quiet over Hanukkah. If so, I apologize and stand corrected. S. Pam McGee

News Flash: Dov Katz, a 38-year-old Israeli citizen who lives in America, was charged with attempted commercial sexual abuse of a 13-year old girl, according to the Tukwila Police Department.

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