Thursday, December 22, 2016

Hey Barack

Dear Barack Obama,
Honorable 44th President of the United States;

Donald J. Trump is merely the president-elect. He has no authority to interfere with this nation’s policies, not until “sworn” to oath on January 20th, 2017. If I were to openly voice some of the things he has said through “Twitter” or other means of mass communications, I would be subject to arrest under the Logan Act. I have been a supporter of your agenda for the past 3259-days, with only 28-days left, please do not renege on your own “sworn duty” and have Donald J. Trump placed under White House arrest, as he is damaging our nation and damaging your legacy. You must act on this request, and be guaranteed you will have 65-million Patriotic Americans behind you.

S. Pam McGee

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