Friday, December 2, 2016

Freak Show Update

Just received a "pop-up", Circus Freak Shows of the past. Why waste time, as before us every-day we have our very own "Trump Tower Freak Show":
Merry Christmas
Rudy shows off gift from Donald, or was it from Melanomia?

Sneak Preview
Wow, here is a "Sneak Preview" of the float that will follow the Trump Tower limousine to the January 20th "Inauguration".

Wrong Address - Again, Again!
The mailman just dropped off another package, 3rd time this week. The return address same as before, MAGA - C/O 68th Penthouse, 721 5th Avenue, NY, NY 10022.  Yes, Trump Tower! MAGA? Make America Great Again. I am not a Trump supporter, I did not donate time or money to elect an imbecile, but I keep getting stuff. Hats, shirts and now snot rags. OK, I best bugger blow in the hankies  and return-to-sender, as Trump deserves what's up my nose.

Trump/Pence Inaugural "Snot Rag".

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