Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Big Talk, No Action

"And so this is Christmas and what have you done..." Donald Trump, already the worst U.S. President-elect, so maybe an indication the worst of the worst those given the opportunity to sit in the Oval Office. The reason why the Founding Fathers insisted on a "majority vote", as "Half the people can be part right all of the time, an' some of the people can be all right part of the time,  but all the people can't be all right all of the time.  I think Abraham Lincoln said that." And the 115th Congress understands this dilemma, but when that party too is guilty of Constitutional "Thugadultery" abuse, we get what we don't deserve. I am proud to be an American, only 34-days left! See, the Tyrump has attacked Obama on every front possible. But would not it have been nice, statesmen like if Donald has a solution to Aleppo, to share it? And why not work with Obama, beforehand? The "Olive Branch" was extended by the Obama administration, for the last few weeks, week-ends included, but Donald had more important things to do - sun bathing at Mara Laoe Si Momo. Imagine, maybe we could have seen a peace treaty in Aleppo, before Christmas! Look, with Donald's ties to the Kremlin, with Tillerson's ties to the Putin, with Sarah Palin able still to see "From Russia with Love", what gives in the "Brotherly Love" community? But it is why "Democracy" as we have known it for over 200-years, why our inalienable rights as we have enjoyed for over 2-centuries, my sentiment we have but a few weeks left to cherish what and who we were as a nation United, as the Tyrump is a cruel being. Sorry, tried to cover the latter with "Human", it doesn't work. Hey, look at the forever nasty smile, he makes the Scrooge look like "Honey Bear". Because with Trump, what's a few more dead babies! Remember, WAR is over if you want it - after the "tanning booth, Dom Perignon "Limited Edition" Champagne and Olestra Caspian Sea Russian caviar.

Trump's 100-Day Honeymoon:

First 10 Days - January 21st through January 30th
So I told him that he'd better shut his mouth
And do his job like a man.
And he answered "Listen, Father,
I will never kill another."

~ Wow, we made it! ~

Next 10 Days - January 31st through February 9th
He thinks he's better
than his brother that died
What the hell does he think he's doing
To his father who brought him up right?

~ Sarah Palin Resets Nuclear Clock  - Too Close for Comfort ~

Next 10 Days - February 10th through February 19th
Take your place on The Great Mandala
As it moves through your brief moment of time.
Win or lose now you must choose now
And if you lose you're only losing your life.

~ Nuclear Clock on Reset Windup ~

10 More Days? - February 20th through March 1st
Tell the jailer not to bother
With his meal of bread and water today.
He is fasting 'til the killing's over

~ Holy Shit, incoming ~

Next 10 Days - March 2nd through March 11th
It's been going on for ten thousand years
He's a martyr, he thinks he's a prophet.
But he's a coward, he's just playing a game
He can't do it, he can't change it

 March 12th through March 21st
Tell the people they are safe now
Hunger stopped him, he lies still in his cell.
Death has gagged his accusations

 March 22nd through March 31st
We are free now, we can kill now,
We can hate now, now we can end the world
We're not guilty, he was crazy
And it's been going on for ten thousand years!

We're ALL DEAD, we didn't make it even through the Mooning! 

Take your place on The Great Mandala

As it moves through your brief moment of time.
Win or lose now you must choose now
And if you lose you've only wasted your life.


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