Sunday, December 11, 2016


Donald Tyrump SUCKS! See, Barack Obama did his time, and tried his best to facilitate a dysfunctional Congress. It was the GOP Congress that has put up the 8-year fight, and flight of dereliction. And with only 44-days left wherein the honorable 44th will surrender ultimate power to...well I don't know if it be Tyrump, Putin or maybe they have a shared services sucking agreement. But instead of relaxing, Obama is stuck in deep with his duties still, with this Russian Federation trespass on the 2016 election, as inaction is not an option. No lame ducking when this nation's security and sovereignty are under attack. We are at the "be prepared" level, as WAR could break out if indeed it is true that an enemy of the people was befriended by the Tyrump and company. "We the People" should demand WAR. But it is bothersome another issue of national importance, right up the Tyrumps alley of maggot-mania-mischief, as Obama wanted to attend the ARMY vs. NAVY game. The Tyrump likes  to trespass, in this case upon the dignity of the Oval Office, and since it was not a good idea to have the sitting president and the president-elect in the same arena, Barack stayed home and watched the game on the "Tube". And I am sure getting critical updates to the affiliation that Tyrump has or held with Vladimir. Of course the Tyrump knew what was going on behind the cyber-shield, he asked for Vladimir's help and the Russian Federation obliged. I hope, as this is Obama's toughest test yet, that the Commander-in-Chief makes the righteous decision and we see the Tyrump incarcerated on January 20th instead of a swearing in ceremony. This nation will celebrate when the motorcade with Tyrump vacates the Capitol and heads for a Federal Penitentiary. Wake up America, he invited Vladimir to arrange this destruction upon "My Republic"! Is that NOT enough proof? Yes, this is "Democracy's" test of time. See, the "majority vote" is pissed, but when push comes to shove, "We the People Denied" will prevail, as we are the "True Americans" no matter what political perversion stands before US and our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And please, don't call your congressmen or senators throughout this land - as the Animal House "majority" is just as guilty. The "Y" in Tyrump? For TYRANT as the fit was made for each-other, just like Donald and Vladimir - so "Happy Together"!

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