Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Obama SOS

Dear Barack;

It appears that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are already interfering in U.S. policy making decisions, under your watch and without your approval. Is this not an impeachable offense? Please sign an "Executive Order" banning the president-elect-reject from involving himself in extra-curricular United States of America affairs until after the January 20th swearing in, or else he faces the Citizen's Tribunal - as we know Congress does not give a rat's ass how this wackomaniac destroys the Constitution. By the way, I hope you have a T-off time scheduled over in Hawaii that same day, as it will go down as a disgraceful day when Donald Trump is sworn in to disrupt your accomplishments and I am glad that Michelle does not have to spend or waste time showing Melania around town. Having a golf T-off time is a good enough excuse, as 63-million will be boycotting that "I Swear..." Like I have mentioned before, I owe you for your 8-years of dedication - so if you need a caddy, I'm available the liftin's on me buddy!

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