Thursday, November 17, 2016

MANIA Might PG13

So, we are finally starting to see the light at the end-of-the Chunnel as to how Donald Trump curtailed Hillary Clinton's future ambitions to be the 1st Lady to go where no lady has gone before - winning more "electorate votes" then Madam Looser. See, it is not because the system was "Rigged", the causal connection points to the pollsters discounting a citizen "fan" base that is massive. Yes discounted with respect to impact, due the fact this group had for years shown a political intellect of "Divide By Zero Error". Couch potatoe "WrestleMANIA" addiction ring a bell? The show-of-shows for ruralites - what you mean fake? Tell someone addicted to Vince McMahan's "MANIA" that stuff with Hulk Hogan and Chief J is fake. "thum are Deliverance fighting words!" But when the cross-section of 2016 voters is deciphered, that is the faction that put Donald out in front of the pack. It is estimated that there are at least 23-million registered voters that spent their time watching "Tag Team" matches over the presidential debates, and promotional voting for Trump was center stage during these televised battles. Hillary did not target that faction, miscalculation yes, but she had no ammo to do so as it was "Donald Only" territory. In fact, MIT did a study on the cultural impact of wrestling and politics, but it was never published. And back in 2009, a U.S. Senator held hearings in efforts to place an age restriction on watching this "Mania". Professional wrestling gives children the impression that every dirty trick is legal. We know professional wrestling is exhibitionism, but the public doesn't know that. It is time we investigate alleged illegal practices, treatment of wrestlers, and the effect of violence on children. State Senator Abraham Bernstein, D-Bronx, has proposed legislation prohibiting pro wrestling in New York state. "I want to prohibit professional wrestling as it is portrayed today because of its depiction of violence and physical punishment," said Bernstein who singled out wrestling "because it has reached tremendous proportions." And it is another reason that Boris Putin relates to "The Donald", as supposedly that is one of Putin's favorite passing gas times, "Big Time Wrestling". Best be careful telling the Federation leader it's fake! Remember, we only have 4-minutes to kiss each-other's ass goodbye. But that is it in a nutcase-shell, as Donald, well he was the man that whupped old Vince McMahan's ass and then ran off with his wife, WrestleMANIA #23 - Battle of the $Billionaires$. That's the reason Linda is a candidate for Trump's "Secretary of Commerce & Mania Misery", America at its best, and finally after many, many years of no showing up at the booths, the circus clowns have come to town! They won, fair and square, now back to the ring side!

Trump Tortures McMahan - Rated PG13

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