Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hope for the HOMELAND

There is HOPE, that before January 20th next year coming soon, that...well Hillary Clinton is banned from taking over the Oval Office. "We the People" were faced with an historic quagmire this 2016 election, forced to vote for the lesser of two bowel, boweevil, evil movements. Like already eluded upon in previous scripts, it was the ultimate Henry Murray experiment with Trump and Clinton before our very own eyes and ears with both assholes - and we all know how Ted Kaczynski turned out as a Harvard student of the same mind games. So in the end, well evil prevailed, we had no choice this election! I don't really know the truth in the lesser factor, so it was a seesaw in balance. Evil is Evil! But as morning breaks this November 8th, as the polls get ready to entertain the vote for this evil, it is apparent that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the "lesser" as it is not hard to outwit a Hemroid. It will probably be a landslide, for evil against an evil coward has the advantage. And by sunset, she will be wearing that time and time again smile of "Trust Me". I cannot by any stretch of the imagination, well I will admit better then Trump. But after millions have cast thy vote and speak now or forever go into hiding, the sentiment remains the same all around, and with a nation politically divided already this is salt on the wound. Sad that we did not have a better choice, here is wherein the "Hope" exists. There is one man that holds the keys to the successor-ship. Federal Judge Emmet Gael Sullivan is this nations only "Hope". An appointee by Ronald Reagan, then again an appointee by H.W. Bush and three strikes you're in like Flynn, an appointee of Bill Clinton as a District Judge - that job for almost a life. And since Mr. Sullivan was the judge that oversaw then overruled due prosecutorial injustice ending in a mistrial when the FBI and IRS picked on Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, Sullivan knows all about unfair targeting - the FBI best be on its best behavior with Hillary or else. Here is how it should play out within the next 70-days. Judge Sullivan should find Hillary in Contempt of Court due "perjury", simple, for forgetting the "Truth" when handed a subpoena to answer questions about transparency. PERJURY: "To disrupt the ligitimate discovery of truth". Then that would disqualify her from the U.S. Presidency. Which means that Tim Kaine would be taking the oath on January 20th, and because he would then have to vacate the vice, it means that the Senate Pro tempore would be called to duty, it's in the Constitution, love it or leave it. That is Orrin Hatch. So, on that day after the swearing in, a monumental step forward for mankind, as we now have a truly bipartisan administration. Imagine, wherein evil pushed us to a bipartisan fellowship. This is my hope, and with a little faith no charity required, stranger things have happened. Dear Judge Sullivan, please for this nation's sake sooner better then later as you sir are the only American that can right such a wrong taking over the Oval Office.

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