Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fast & Furious Forward

October 28th, 2020: After a tumultuous 250-days in office, with over 52 "Impeachment" hearings since her inauguration, Hillary Rodham Clinton has weathered the storm. Even when the House tried to block the "Electoral College" process through "Objections" with the 2016 outcome, time was on her side. With her 4th and final year as the 45th U.S. President, many fans thought a second term was crazy, as she was still the ridicule of a Republican held Congress. But things were starting to look promising, with the sentiment if this far why not another "Four More Years". An announcement in June from her Chief-of-Staff Huma Abedin indicated a willingness for Hillary and Kaine to ride out the storm of controversy again. In early April 2020, the FBI finished "once again" its investigation into mishandling of "Classified Information" that started when Hillary was Secretary-of-State under Barack Obama. The latest investigation started a few days before her 2016 bid, 11-days before the polls were open for voters, when the FBI then under Chief James Comey re-opened the "Private Server" case and Huma - Hillary's sidekick - was the FBI's "person of interest". And even though that drastic turn of events saw Hillary's "Trust" numbers tank to new lows, by that time in the 2016 election cycle the "Cake was Baked". Most recently when news filtered out from the FBI's investigation that Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner had been arrested for espionage, that sent shock waves throughout the nation. But when it was found out that a "Pardon" was not on the Executive Privilege "Radar", things started to turn around "positively" for the Hillary Clinton administration. Since the time Hillary and Huma stepped to the podium in early August and agreed with the FBI the seriousness of Bill and Anthony's behavior, where the guys were the individuals indicted and responsible for the entire out-of-control "Private Server" fallout, with Hillary showing signs a "Pardon" for her own spouse was questionable her "Trust" numbers had seen double digit improvements. So that may be the reason she is 15-points ahead of the GOP ticket in this 2020 race. So it appears that Bill and Anthony will enjoy more time as cell mates, in the Federal Penitentiary outside New York City. Now many believe that Hillary is solid on this issue, that Bill broke the law and caused her all kinds of headaches. Even though she weathered Bill's storm with Monica, maybe enough was enough and today we see Hillary standing up for what is right. So if re-elected, look for promising times wherein the 46th can work out issues with the Congress, as even Trey Gowdy is besides himself that Hillary has denied Bill and Anthony a release from incarceration. Amazing grace! And there is rumor that Kaine may soon dropout as Hillary's running mate due health issues and this time around, and speculation from the underground it may be Huma taking over - wherein the first female succession followed by...

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