Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bribebart NEWS Leaks#666-b

Towerleaks: November 16, 2016

Caution: The following notes were stolen from the "Trump Towers" by a mole in the Donald Trump "Transition Team" and made available for entertainment purposes only.

Donald Trump may have to re-consider Chris Christie, as the White House bathroom "crappers" won't fit his fat asshole. And the "underground escape tunnel", that which was funneled in after 911 to haul off the sitting administration to safety if under attack, that tunnel would have to be over-hauled in efforts it could support Christie and the 12-agents required to haul off his fat ass. That remodel would put the Boston "Big Dig" to shame. So Chris Christie is probably out, but Donald recommends a "Pardon" for his "Bridgegate" interference.

Melania doesn't want any "black cocks" in the White House kitchen after she moves in on January 20th, 2017. In fact, she is looking for cooks from another country, according to her knowledge, "...just over the Potomac River, right". And she wants to take more Russian lessons from Sarah Palin.

Donald Trump team believes anybody wearing a "Trump" shirt and refuses a veteran a free meal on "Veteran's Day", they should be protected under the 1st Amendment and Free Speech such animosity towards veterans, as nothing is free in life. Trump re-iterated, if they don't like being treated that way, they should have refused the service, maybe a deferment or two, the reason he skated out of the Vietnam war - bad feet and a bad hairdo, amazing what money can buy.

Donald wants a different kind of helicopter for his gallivanting back to Trump Tower, something "fast & furious" called a KA-31. And he has also placed an order for a Sikorsky CH-54 Sky Crane/Heavy Lifter, for Chris Christie. In fact, Trump wants to buy the next generation military vehicles from Vladimir, Trump's "New Deal Trade Agreement" partner, with the guy that gave him the election - "To Russia with Love" payback.

Trump wants to EO a day of recognition to Pamela Ramsey Taylor of Clay County and Mayor Beverly Whaling, "Pam, you just made my day", as Trump knows that "Twitter" is a great tool for one-sided democracy.

Donald Trump made comment that Newt Gingrich is living proof that if you get smacked in the face with a shovel when young, it has lingering side effects. And if hit in the forehead with a "hot iron" like happened to Anthony Scaramucci, "scars" have lingering effects on how one thinks, and frowns. Trump believes the Al Capon batting practice has a place in his administration.

Donald Trump's "Transition Team" list started off at 250, but many were never asked if they would like to work with the 45th administration. Of that list of potentials, 150 have already said "HELL NO", which means Donald will have to pick family members - "All in the Family" will take on a different dimension.

Kellyanne Conway, how Donald Trump will handle issues of "Transparency", just turn sideways, " Where'd she go?"

Giuliani has ties to the CITGO sign outside of Fenway Park, so soon Rudy may be invited on a Fredo Corleone fishing trip, "But Donny..."

~ More To Come - The "Fat Man Stings" ~

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