Monday, October 17, 2016

Hillary Doing Time?

Maybe it was a carefully calculated set-up, what the FBI confirmed upon the citizens as to what really went down with the outcome of the Clinton "private server" investigation. She wasn't cleared completely, so maybe the "extreme carelessness" was an indictment of sorts, political wordsmithing. With the stuff that has been made public by "others", there is enough evidence to indict that "Ham Sandwich" for eternity. So maybe, just maybe...funny, as when one looks at the campaign trail schedule that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been keeping up with since FBI director Comey shocked the nation, odd that it appears she may be under "House-Arrest" and doing time? See, maybe she copped a plea bargain behind closed doors, and for her carelessness was awarded a sentence of "supervised leave" and a few days here and there in Chappaqua quarantine. Sentencing under a violation of 18 U.S.C. 2071 - for "retention of classified documents" - it calls for jail time, a fine and a questionable "disqualification". So if the FBI investigators found a wrongdoing, without our knowledge a "Kangaroo Court" Grandstand Jury could have been convened by the DOJ, found her guilty and punished her - something we may never know about. So maybe we had it all wrong, maybe the FBI always gets its WOMAN too! Sentencing: July 5th, 2016 - 6-months under "House Arrest" suspended with Supervised/Escorted Leave(Secret Service detail). End of Sentence January 20th, 2017.

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