Saturday, October 8, 2016

Dr. Jerkoff and Mr. Hide

And behind Door Number One...Donald Trump and Bill Clinton! And in reality, is there really any difference? As what the Dumpster said about "woman", well like Bill has practiced to perfection and Hillary accepted with a "Stand by your man" persuasion, that even today still "Woman is the nigger of the World".

Dear Vladimir Putin;
Thanks for coming to the rescue of the "We the People" and getting involved in the 2016 Presidential rat race. Your interference is much appreciated. When faced with a "lesser of two evils" as this nation's next Commander-in-Chief, we need some outside influence to help us through the quagmire. Many think you have deployed your "hacking" agents in efforts to throw manure so that Hillary is out-maneuvered by the Dumpster. But the way I see it, you are providing topsy-turvy  evidence upon both candidates, that neither one is fit to be the next U.S. President. I am sure you are doing this because you don't want to be bothered with fakes that can make your life Le Miserable. You have so far been pretty up-and-up with Obama, and I fear you fear what we Americans have not been able to challenge - two candidates with money and power that weaseled their way into the mainstream and like a Keith Richard's bad drug high are about to become a mainlining like apocalypse. So thanks for getting involved...maybe we need to nominate you for the Nobel Peace prize, as I am sure that you were hoping for Bernie, and you then could enjoy the last of your domination in comfort. Amazing Hillary calling her fans a "Bucket of Losers" and Donald wanting to "fuck" big tit mothers while the husbands are away fighting ISIS. I bet in Russia there are laws of extermination for this kind of unbecoming behavior. Anyway, thanks again and maybe by next month "We the People" will have genuine candidates to cast a vote of confidence upon instead of wasting a vote towards a dysentery catastrophe. And thanks for being a somewhat brother to Barack, it helps the destiny of mankind. - Salute and хорошее здоровье

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