Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tit for TAT - Personology

No I don't want a TAX return, nor do I care about Hillary's "Private Parts". I request a single commitment before I can trust my sacred vote to either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton come November 8th. So far, not too promising either piece of "White Stash" and only 59-days left to show some interest in "MY" must have requirement. The "VOTE" is about the only thing left still on the table of fortune the Middle-Class citizens. For this class that made America great and was at one time rewarded with "Patriotic Rivalry", today we have very little to show for that endeavor. OK, besides the "vote" maybe a free hot-dog on the 4th is our gamble, but some celebrations are now asking for proof of citizenship - pass the relish. And it is a dereliction that duty to think one "must" vote, as if there exists none "Qualified", we must refrain from casting for trash. So, to Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, if you want my precious vote, NO you cannot buy it as it is NOT for sale without a warranty, please without haste voluntarily take the Henry Murray TAT psychological personology test - as a qualifier screening for the Commander-in-Chief. Else I will write in Charles Manson and Ted Kaczynski when confined in that voting booth. Both are in jail for life, so what harm? Sad, that we may have before us only another 132-days the "Last of the US Presidents", as it appears the "TRUE" qualifications for President of the United States is coming to an end. But with hi-tech controlling how toilets flush, maybe we are in a new age with respect to politics? See, some baby-boomer brainiac kids up in Alaska have been feeding a U.S. government Cray "Supercomputer" at a local institute of higher education what is coming from the oral orifice of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton since the day the Dumpster was ordained. The massive amount of data from the daily takes, both audio and visual, that coming from the front-runners is being used as a psychiatric evaluator - based on a "latent and manifest need & full-court press" theory invented by Murray. It uses a pattern of themes based on invoking perception through fantasy, called "apperception" to observe how patients react to situations. See, some prominent psychoanalysts are being very quiet, as they surmise that Trump may have studied Henry Murray, a well known Harvard professor that experimented on Ted Kaczynski - well before becoming known as the UnaBomber, once-upon-a-time a brilliant 16-year old Harvard mathematical student. These silent "Knights in White Coats" are on to something interesting, as Trump's success with the "Donald's Apprentice" did indeed show some reference to the Murray hypothesis, of "vehement, sweeping and personally abusive" attacks That is what Murray confronted Ted with, to test to the limits. Yes, Trump is today testing Hillary towards failure, just like happened to Ted. Anyway, the Murray test being performed by these students will be an indicator of what it means with either a Trump or Hillary win. Even though we could never get the candidates to subject themselves to a similar psychological evaluation, the Murray TAT allows the same kind of evaluation without direct interrogating when so much research data comes available, just by how the candidates go about their daily normal activities and attacking each other. The same technique was used to determine what was going on in the mind of Hitler. And the way Hillary returns fire, that can be used to analyze Trump, as instead of using "TAT fantasy cards" we have live fanatical fantasy. Look, we could not ask for a more rigorous psychological evaluation and with the help of the "Cray", we have before us a sad situation. To date, with due respect the Hillary and Donald scorecard, a troubling scenario evolves and without going into detail the results, both score very low in the "maturity" category and this points to childhood abuse being harbored. This is not some hocus-pocus reality, but the results of the "Litmus Test" are starting to indicate an ugly side effect, and to put it into perspective...Flashback: September 11th. Consider the 1st plane to hit WTC #1 as Trump - the 2nd plane that crashed into WTC #2 Hillary. Same intent, different targets - GOP verses DNC by out-of-control pilots. Look, "don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows". If you vote for either candidate, it shows your vulnerability to being fooled and tricked by upfront personality tactic disorders, when behind the scenes both candidates reveal some hidden secrets - well we all have a little Ted in us! And maybe we can thank Ted, that he was the unknowingly guinea pig for Henry Murray, and when push comes to shove we have before us the "Litmus Test" that finds meaning this go around to that testing that took place many years ago at the TAT fraternity down Harvard yard. But the so far test results show a very "dark side" of Hillary Clinton, and for that matter Donald Trump. Basically speaking, we are doomed! Now I have no control over the 2016 election. But this test tells it like it is - doom if either a Trump or Clinton gets the electoral vote. I hope this test and the report is made available to Congress, so that body has time to digest the results before the electoral posse rides into town with the "Count". On January 6th the Congress convenes to certify that count, the House for the President elect, the Senate for the VP. And this is the last draw, as this is wherein the Congress can "OBJECT", based on the Murray testing. And since the testing provides ample evidence of a Charles Manson personality both candidates, let's hope the Congress obeys the Constitution, and a NAY vote all surround a Trump or Hillary taking over. Yes, I am a democrat but would rather have Paul Ryan and Orrin Hatch in the interim, as it is indeed the lesser of two freak-show devils.

69SM(Senior Male Murray TAT Test)

69SF(Senior Female Murray TAT Test)

The Henry Murray TAT Test is based on pictures that are supposed to provoke through a fantasy, and 1st impressions with reactions to a scene those being evaluated as the scoring mechanism. In a scientific poll conducted on voters of age, and those voluntarily willing to be evaluated, the above pictures were shown and the results indicate when shown either 69SM or 69SF, 99.9% of the time the test results indicated the males tested pictured Donald Trump as Aqualung Man, the females indicating what many of us think of the other candidate, or the Wicked Witch. This is Harvard scholarly work at work, something we should not just push aside as crazed experimenting. It is FOR REAL REALITY!

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