Saturday, September 3, 2016

Mrs. PolitiCoprophile

A little over a year ago, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez of the 114th Congress and from Joyzie, he was indicted by the U.S. Justice Department. Hey it's Chris Christie's home state, of course wherein corruption is par-for-the-course. Yes, just like salt on a wound, we are tortured again and again and some more with such voices in politics with a give not a shat attitude. The Menendez indictment came at the same time that Loretta Lynch was getting ready to be sworn in, taking over for Eric Holder as this nation's Commander-in-Law-Enforcement-Chief. As the handcuffs were being keyed, 14-counts of political corruption is what Menendez was facing, yes in-line with a RICO felony, for organizing a racket that demonstrates corruption. This included acts of bribery and what the G-man calls "Honest Service" fraud and of course false statements. The indictment stemmed from Menendez intervening with political clout and returning "favors" on behalf of a single wealthy friend, a.k.a. a campaign donor wanting something in return. Estimated "Joy Riding" at a little under a $million$ bucks. According to the Lynch mob: "Government corruption at any level of elected office corrodes the public trust and weakens our democratic system. It is the fundamental responsibility of the Department of Justice to hold public officials accountable by conducting thorough investigations and seeking an indictment when the facts and the law support it."  But even today, Menendez is free to go about his U.S. Senate duties, which meant he just enjoyed an entire month's vacation at the U.S. Taxpayers' expense. IMAGINE, a whole month off? And paid $15000 bucks to boot around, what a hoot! So why such preferential treatment, why still not behind bars and still collecting a salary? Well just use all that illegal campaign slush funding to hire a giant law firm, guess what guess again any "Honest Investigation Service" fraud, then use the Hillary Clinton FBI investigation outcome of "extremely careless" as the Litmus Test and guilt is but a suggestion. See, Menendez and Clinton have close ties - in fact he endorses Hillary. Why so but for because the lawyers that Menendez has hired are using Hillary Rodham Clinton's corruption case as precedence set - free at last. When at the same time a young navy guy is in the "Miramar Brig" after taking a picture of the engine room of a nuclear sub and when his lawyer tried to use the "BleachBITch" defense, it fell on deaf ears. Yes, preferential treatment sucks when the politicians have their own laws to play the game by and any "criminal intent" is banned from any real trial. See, Hillary has opened up a path for freedom any and all future political corruption. Basically, WE ARE DOOMED. When politicians have rigged the system of merit so far to their advantage that corruption is thicker then...not what the Founding Father's envisioned else they would have prescribed jail time before office time just incase of political incest! This nation needs a REVOLUTION! Yet the problem remains, as "WE the PEOPLE" are afraid, so damn afraid to make that move to take back what is "OURS" to begin with, it has been hijacked. And the longer we wait, the harder it will get to gain it back as when we loosen our guard, the infiltrators like the Clinton's make sure the laws are changed in their favor so the intent becomes "break" the law as the normalcy cry - and this has Hitlerism written all over. As when we finally take pity and find the faith that "the only thing to fear is fear itself" and take our arms and join together as "ONE", they will shoot us down and get away with murder, and smile all the way to their offshore havens. Like how Hitler enjoyed the perversion of whore's crapping on his face, we face the same damn attack by today's political dysentery. The bottom line, Hillary Rodham Clinton, along with Bill Clinton are NO different, except we are the victims of this disgrace.

Sidebar: The Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of the CIA) labeled Hitler an “impotent coprophile”, based on allegations that the dictator forced his niece Geli to urinate and defecate on him.
Coprophile: a paraphilia in which feces causes sexual arousal. Politicoprophile: a paraphilia in which those in politics get aroused and crap on the voice of the people, named in honor of William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
To re-iterate the Government posture on political corruption: "Government corruption at any level of elected office corrodes the public trust and weakens our democratic system," Assistant U.S. Attorney General Leslie Caldwell said in announcing the indictments. "It is the fundamental responsibility of the Department of Justice to hold public officials accountable by conducting thorough investigations and seeking an indictment when the facts and the law support it."  

But today, after the Clinton Foundation exercises a Menendez like crime on high alert in effect 10000 x the Senator's "Honest Service" crime spree, all we get is a face full of crap and amnesty for the corrupt bastards! Yes, the government has let us down for the last today it does not practice what it preaches, as their public distrust doctrine is indeed weakening our Democratic system and the preference stinks like you know what.

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