Wednesday, August 10, 2016

2016 Date Rape Update

So Hillary is campaigning with the message she will not raise taxes on the "Middle Class"! But that doesn't mean she will lower the burden of taxable income, and that is a bother and when you read between the lines, here it is. Today, with Obama's steadfast ideology to strive for "Peace" over "More WAR", this nation is spending less and far less on the "WAR Machine". Enough is being saved that it would warrant a tax break, which is deserving based on the fact the past wars have not been voted upon by Congress and it amounts to highway robbery upon the citizens. So why not a tax break, what is Hillary afraid about? OK, the best answer is the fact that William Kristol has come out to endorse Hillary which means support from the PNAC mentality. That support is based on, well more "WAR" efforts - the Hillary Clinton secret agenda. When a Bush Dysentery Dynasty commandant comes forward to throw support for a Hillary presidency, WTF Sarah Palin! Now with Trump, luckily for us we have 3 USC 15, which allows all electoral votes to be challenged, by the HOUSE. So it ain't over with, and I would wager that neither Hillary or Donald will ever enjoy that swearing in, as this nation divided deserves better...

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