Tuesday, July 12, 2016

This Badge Called "COURAGE"

I can retire, pray tell not at ease, 
the long and winding road this day has offered -
both you and I sea to shining sea.

Burdened by cops killing them, them killing cops.
Riots as a nightcap, tiring some more my lost dreams of peace,
forevermore gone, "My Country 'Tis of Thee" onto the morbid shadows.
In the darkest of such nights, what solace, in belief of a tomorrow.

Eye of the swarm, this storm called racism.
Eye for an eye,  triggered frustration, anger totes revenge.
The bullet once again beckons the Red, White and Blue trademark,
the reckoning voice to get even, a nation united for destruction.

And when "morning has broken like the first morning", the truth -
"It's the home of police who kill black boys on mopeds".
So troubling, our Independence is today but a Deliverance in sin.
By night fall again, I "Shot the Sheriff" like a "Bombs bursting in air" anthem
and "every cop is a criminal, all the sinners saints".

But when push comes to shove,
America draws on its promise land.
As by the "dawns early light, what so proudly we hailed", united are we,
to find a "Come Together" to "Give Peace a Chance".

From officer to honorable officer to citizens all walks upon life -
We the People, a promise that "Our" courage to unite, was still there.
Then conquer we must, this racism,
"o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

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