Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I Swear...

Wow, Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton in the same damn place - sex scandal buddy system?  Look out Philadelphia, moms double lock the little girls bedroom door. The affiliation is soylent, maybe Jeffrey Epstein was also in attendance the Democratic National Convention. And it is true that during this convention and just like how the Olympic officials react, the passing out of condoms. For the Olympian, 42 rubbers each lap. In the DNC case, Debbie Wasserman Shultz had a 3D printer with edible ingredients pumping out condoms at the rate of 1000 per day, because she knew Bill was in town with Weiner. And to hear Bill's tragic epitaph of how he screwed over Hillary...people were teary eyed!  Look, had Hillary disemboweled Bill way back when, she would have today my vote. See, we gave her that opportunity. But because she hung on to Bill for her own selfish political aspirations while Bill slept around and let us not forget, how many trips about the "Lolita Ex[press" - Epstein's whore house in the sky wherein 14-year old girls were raped - yes Bill was on that plane numerous times and on three occasions denied his secret service detail. "Don't need a weatherman to tell" what was going on while Hillary was busy as Secretary of State. I could see it in Bill's eyes during his "I'm Sorry Hillary" as he is not telling the truth and he knows the truth is but a suggestion like a blinking traffic light, as he was trembling realizing that one day he will run out of excuses. The DNC mascot, the dildo and maybe it was Hillary that John Lennon was referring to, this "Woman, is the NIGGER of the World"...think about it! Get a grip America as today we have no viable candidates to be the next Commander-in-Chief. Let's hope the "Do Nothing Congress" acts, and when in session on January 6th, that objections abound both Houses and cause for a time-out wherein we get that grip and realize we have been taken for a joy ride by the Trumps and Clintons. Time to boycott this election, as "We the People" have that power. It is time each state of this "UNION", through the executive order yielded by the governor, to declare each candidate "disqualified" and allow the electoral vote to be also disqualified. Then the Constitution will decide on what is best for us!

I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you

The "DNC" Mascot

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