Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Wow, and more bow-wow Obamapalooza. See, the next few weeks may be very interesting as the Obama administration decided to release some of the “Top Secret” documents secured during the Congressional 9/11 “Who Done It” investigation. These documents may shed some light and end the cover-up what is known about the “House of Saud” connection and the attackers. So this “release” has infuriated the Saudi royalty, as “We the people” may finally find an understanding as to who may have been behind these attacks, financially speakeasy. And any connection over there will have feedback fallout over here, through political affiliation connection kickbacks! And it's an election year, so lookout! But there is a reason as to why Obama has decided, or threatened, to “UN-Classify” these documents that could throw some influential Saudis under the bus of ridicule, possibly allowing for predatory sanctions and last but not least overdue litigation against the wealthy by the families of the victims – that guilty by association. And this could indict the Bush/Cheney dysentery dynasty. But herein is wherein why Obama is demonstrating a “True” Commander-in-Chief philosophy and not a lame dick president by any stretch of Paul Ryan's imagination. Hey, what happened to the “Fantasy Shitter”? The John Boehner look alike guy who was caught leaving early morning turds on hoods of vehicles with DNC bumper stickers. Hey, when engaged as a member in good standing an AWOL Congress, mischievous behavior makes sense the nonsense of nothing accomplished. But this Obamapalooza finds merit, as the Saudis have teamed up with the Russians in efforts to curtail oil production. As an energy based economy, we have enjoyed and reaped the benefits of cheap fuel. It is a Godsend for a vibrant economy as it lowers the price of all consumer goods and that creates “jobs”! We have more stuffed in our wallets, which means we spend more and that excites the entire supply chain from sea to shining sea. One interesting statistic, we are a gentler nation when we have a little extra spending money, we go out and that enforces our freedoms! And this “cheap thrills” came about when this nation finally became “Independent” and we didn't need others to satisfy our thirst for chump-change fuel – another feather in Obama's Super-Fly Sly Stone hat is this energy “Independence”. But regardless of how much oil this nation can extract out of the ground, the supply and demand theory still raises Cain against Abel, as oil economics is still tied to that “Global” checks and balances. So with what is going on across the globe, it dictates the price of oil. Everything included, like war through weather and looks like again today “fraud”, it all comes into play said again we live on a foundation based on energy! Hey, even though there was a massive 5-year drought in California, it was the low price of energy that allowed that state to get through tough times! Water was scarce, yet prices for goods from farm to table were tame due decreases in energy costs all around, so it is easy to see how energy prices have an overall effect on our pursuit to happiness. Yes, we are independent in what we can produce to satisfy the craving, yet we have no “independence” when it comes to the energy pricing slate – that is controlled by EXXON. But when the Saudis team up with the “Putin”, things go south. So Obama has done this nation a righteous favor, for the past few years keeping energy prices affordable. But like the saying goes that all good things come to an end once Congress gets involved, time was running out – as low prices at the pump may benefit the salt-of-the-earth classmates, yet it hurts the wealthy and powerful – it saddens the Wall Street! Now when the Saudis sat down with Putin, since then oil prices have increased some 30% – and eventually that will be seen and felt as increases at the gas pumps. And if the trend continues without some effort to curtail this “Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt OPEC” mindset, by the November election prices will have rebounded back to the Bush era and some may be not able to afford driving to that voting booth! Basically, our trusted friends of the “house” are now in bed with Putin and together fashioned a plan to fake curtail oil production and thus allow global prices to increase based on the demand ahead of the supply. So Obama has called the Saudi royalty bluff. By releasing a page here, a page there of what is known the “House of Saud” connection and the 9/11 terrorists, soon what is released will hit home. So this is a grand slam plan by the Obama administration, to get the Saudis back in line alongside the side it is supposed to rally with as an Ally – not Putin's homeland. Else we may have to draw the line! Now IMAGINE if when released we find a connection from there to here, all the way back home here inside the beltway, then what? So let's hope the Obamapalooza plan works to attract attention and help keep the price of energy reasonable, as I would rather have cheap gasoline then wasting time, money and effort trying to figure out why some think it is better to “Trust” the “Saud Royalty” then enforcing the American spirit - “With US” that is and hell no against our interests! So Mr. Obama, please take a bow, as you deserve such...

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