Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sunday Brunch Briefs...

New American Century
So Rubio let the skunk out of the bag! See, he mentioned “New American Century” during his last debate, the only GOP debate to date that showed some semblance of civility – then came the Friday Night Trump Fights. So what does it all mean, this “New American Century”? It is the TRUE neo-conservative agenda, a single agenda it is winner take all the whores, in efforts to take over the WORLD and shove neo-conservative democracy down the throats of any living thing – including scorpions! Sad thing, this was the Bush doctrine in disguise, and that led to...look it wasn't until George Bush showed up that a sitting “Vice President” had “Originating Authority” for national security information. Dick changed all that and we ended up with more “yellow cake” celebrations and our national anthem replaced by “Give me an F...Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box.” It means Rubio is just another puppet and even though the Bush Family failed at inciting the “New American Century”, and failed to get JEB on course to go off-course one last try this selfish agenda, the rich bastards are still at it and a win for a nutshell more dead kids!
I Need Yellow Cake!
Each week, we see Hillary Clinton getting closer and closer to loosing it as the FBI investigation is ongoing and credible witnesses are being provided “immunity”, that is not a good sign for Madam Bollweevil. And you can tell by her sacrifacial brow she is starting to panic, and why she needs more yellow-cake makeup. I am sure that behind the scenes there exists all kinds of “Turncoat” compromises ongoing in efforts to squash the entire state of affairs Hillary's affair with a “Private Server”. Some have leaked it out that Bill may be given “immunity”, shocking it is! OK, I am the only one that believes Mrs. Bowelweevil should be off the hook with a slap on the wrists – something lame for all her excuses yet shows that even those in high and evil places cannot hide from John Lawman! No fine for Hillary, no time for Hillary, just an admittance that she violated 18 U.S.C 2071 – for,  don't laugh: “Concealment of government information”, as this law doesn't require the degree of difficulty of “innocent until proven guilty” with all that “It wasn't marked at the time” classification bullcrap we keep hearing about - as even if a note was a piece of White House “TP” and concealed or destroyed, the perpetrator is guilty. It's a “Simple Crime” and “All” government employees are subject to this same law, so it is consistent with “We are all in it together” and is an easy find for the investigators – be done with it! Of course the intent any violation of this “Code” is clear & convincing even without a fine or time: “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”, and isn't that all “We the Hooray Citizens” are looking for? GO BERNIE!
Diaper Rash
Look, we cannot entertain a presidency by a lady in ill health, she was carried aboard her plane following the South Carolina victory speech. Not to be prejudice with respect to folks with handicaps, but seniority sometimes finds adverse health effects, and we should have a full vetted health record of Hillary Clinton before excitement rises to the level of "She's In". Why? Because she wears diapers, which means she leaks and this could be detrimental a sitting President when "putin comes to shove".
Cookie Monster
According to the Roman Catholic Church, eating "Girl Scout Cookies" can make you "GAY"! OK, on equal footing it appears then to be ordained a priest makes one a "PERVERT". Imagine, the Pontiff sending his goons out to attack the "Girl Scouts", that's right, an erection year...
Now that Chris Mathews has gotten rid of  "all thum black folks" after getting rid of the free-thinkers, MSNBC can change its name appropriately to "Hillary & the ALL White Nigger Network". OK, I hope Rachel walks out and teams up with Olbermann, Ed, Malissa and Reid then maybe we can find a match for the FOX. Just in: MSNBC's Sunday ratings tank to negative levels, as will Hillary's ranking when the FBI issues a warrant for "Treason". Bedfellows?
Wall Street
Appears WALL STREET may be the entity that spills the beans on Hillary Clinton's addiction to  "Wall Street" $Million$ dollar free speech entertainment kept secret. See, according to a source at one particular speech, Hillary mentioned that the "Magic Wand" prevails, and supposedly in regards to the "bailout", like she would do it again if elected "President". Wow, and I thought double-dipping was against...well Bill's favorite pastime. Imagine, Bill is a "Super-Delegate" and instead of recusing himself that vote due his affiliation with Hillary, well we know all about this man still missing a pin-stripe suit.
Mr. Sniffaluffagus
Does Mr. Rubio have a cocaine addiction? The other day when he went off the cliff attacking Trump, he was on something that sped up his mind games. And whatever the "high" was promoted by, it lasted well into the night after. And then the day after, he appeared subdued, like coming down from that high! Look, Trump doesn't want to be "President", as that would be a boring job for the "Real McCoy Reality Billionaire". He is just trying to get the message out, of problems facing the GOP and I think he knows Hillary is abused so will abuse. Our government has been running like there exists a domestic violence restraining order, between Obama and Congress. OK, there is a casual connection between Rubio and cocaine...what he was trying to hide when he stole money away from the GOP.
John “PinHead” Kasich
Mr. President, incoming detected from North Korea! “Well let me tell you a story. Once upon(Big Bang)...”
Ted Cruz
A “Cruz Missile” on alert, and we are the target...

The boll weevil is the Arkansas mascot!

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