Wednesday, March 2, 2016

State of the UNION

State of the UNION

Dear True Grit American, please make a copy of the below demand letter and send to your state governor requesting ACTION against Hillary Rodham Clinton. With 31 Republican state governors yielding enormous power, they have the gavel to change the direction this country is headed, should Hillary get the nomination for President.

Dear Honorable John Doe
(Replace by Your State's Governor)
Governor the Great State of Do-Re-Me
(Replace by Your State)

I urge you to take action upon this concern immediately, as this nation may be at risk if no action and that risk could have a drastic negative effect upon this state of the Union. As Governor, you are the Chief Executive Law Enforcer and owe it to the citizens to make sure our state does not become an accomplice that which supports placing a criminal in the White House. Hillary Rodham Clinton broke many department policies while serving as Secretary-of-State under Barack Obama. Such policies under the cover of "Abiding Laws" broken are consistent with her questionable use of a "Private Server" in the course of performing government business. Even though considered a simple crime, it is yet a violation under 18 U.S.C. 2071 as follows: "Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States." Mrs. Clinton had "Custody" of Federal government documents, demonstrated a willingness to "Conceal, Remove as well Destroy", a well known fact and acknowledged by the offender. Even though the "violation" under this "Code" may not have elevated itself to incarceration or fine - which I do not believe is of any useful deterrent to the offender in this case and would be at the discretion of a prosecutor allowing reduced sentencing leniency - a violation without the latter does carry with it a sacrifice of "Disqualified from holding ANY office under the United States", including the U.S. Presidency. This is the law "ALL" Federal government employees are subject to abide, including Mrs. Clinton. I am sure the same is true with state workers as may be found similar repercussions in the private sector. So, most Americans find fallout upon such dereliction the duty when in control of "Records". This law as violated has nothing to do with "Classified Information", as it covers all documents of record "concealed" on the "Private Server" located in the Clinton's bathroom of their New York residency. The intent of this law is clear and convincing and rests the case against Mrs. Clinton. If the Federal Government reneges upon its obligation to uphold the law and cannot follow through with the prosecution and consequences that "We the People" are confronted with for similar wrongdoings, then we must resort to a "State's Right" for such relief. That is why I am reaching out to you today, to fulfill that obligation wherein the Fed.'s have so far failed the "Mission". So when the 2016 election voting ends on November 8th, should the FBI fail to indict Mrs. Clinton due political pressures and she wins the nomination, it is only your position that may prevent this violator from assuming an office she is by law "Disqualified" from holding. Yes, this action goes against the grain, but that was the intent of the Founding Fathers engaging the "Electorate", as a ways & means to right a wrong should the citizens fall short the expectations they elect "Trustworthily" leaders. So as governor, please sign an "Emergency Order" that any "Electorate" from this state that delivers a "Vote" for Hillary Rodham Clinton is null and void and to do so by demonstrating ignorance your order could face legal action. Basically speaking, an order that forces the electors of our state to be "Faithless" and at the same time offering them "leniency" any dereliction of record the state statutes find with respect to a "Faithless Vote". With that, then it will be up to the House of Representatives to deal with the subject consistent the intent of the Founding Fathers and something we owe to the next generation, as when this state along with other states asking the same demands found herein, then a majority vote shy calls to action the Government leaders that can use the CONGRESS for relief. Said again and not with sadness but "Faith", we owe it to the Founding Fathers and next generation of Americans this opportunity to get it right, as it is ordained in the U.S. Constitution - else we fail. Only you Honorable Governor can bring this concern to closure, and that is what a "State's Right" is all about, the reason the "Electorate" is separated from the Federal Government and under your jurisdiction. Please consider this without haste, an "Emergency Order Declaration" to make sure our state's "Electorate" does not allow Hillary Rodham Clinton as a "Disqualified" law breaker the honors of disrespect to this State and Nation.

Respectfully Submitted by Sam Doe(Your TRUE AMERICAN Name)

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