Sunday, March 13, 2016

Inflation of Ignorance

Wake up America, by close of business last week alone the price of oil had risen to $40-bucks, and not a single member of Congress has said diddly-squat-spat about it. In fact, not even a peep from the 2016 Presidential candidates debates from those aligned with the “Beltway”. Why? Because the perverts in pursuit of the “Oval Office” - except Bernie and Donald - are all tied to the energy lobby that makes money, humongous pigsty profits for a commodity we cannot do without. Instead of "Benghazi" investigations still wasting U.S. Taxpayers loot along with testicle tying seminars by Alaska Senator MoanaLisa MurCowpiefly - a.k.a. how to eunuch the EPA so we can poison pill our children - there should be investigations from both Ryan's House-of-Ill-Repute & Mitch Bitch McConnell Nancy Reid's Senate-Select-Hearing, about oil prices increasing over $10-bucks in a month's time! Which means gasoline for our transportation needs, cooking, heating and air-conditioning will be going up just when we were getting used to reasonable costs at the pimp pumps. Matter of fact, just this increase alone will cost the Middle-Class-Salt-of-the-Earthers an extra $116-Million. And the way things are again out-of-control because nobody is watching or gives NOT a rat's ass as the hen-house is being raped, by January 22nd – wherein Obama will retire – we could see oil prices back over $100 a barrel. Think twice about that summertime vacation drive, as it appears Congress is allowing for a drive-by targeting our pursuit of happiness. When I hear what is going down in the GOP debates, even a Mormon moron could reason that the “Beltway Brats” are totally out of touch reality what this nation is all about. The preferential spoon feeding, well a master-minded masturbation mutiny has taken over our liberties. And on this same subject that matters, remember we are an “Energy Independent” country today - the reason Congress lifted the “Export Ban”, so where's the beef? See we loose out again, what's in your wallet MIA? See, if Saudi Arabia is now in bed with Russia and is purposely curtailing oil production in efforts to shore up that kingdom's revenue stream - a.k.a. embargoing - then we need to threaten that nation with No More Protection at the U.S. Taxpayers' expense. It is that simple! We need a hero at the helm and this kind of shenanigans will not be tolerated under Bernie, and Trump is also clear and convincing his reasoning why Saudi should no longer have a free ride! Look, Obama has done a miraculous job, considering the keys to the cesspool that Dick Cheney handed over, but the 44th finds no help today from Congress, so what can we expect towards his terms of endearment ending – except maybe an Obama Executive Order that pardons Pete Rose. So, it appears “We the People” have an opportunity in November to, well take it back as long as we vote our conviction against those bent on perverting the obligation under the U.S. Constitution – and the “Wall” is not part of our Union. Talk about a hero and “RAT FINK”. Some guy was caught with a “Cell Phone Jammer” on the Chicago subway and was turned in by an IT guy that went irate because he couldn't call phone sex while traveling to work. Too bad we couldn't find the same kind of “Fink” mentality within that IT guy that worked for the Clintons! Anyway, the guy was turned in under arrest and now has a “public” mugshot after a sting operation – an educated financial analyst for the University of  Illinois who just wanted some peace & quiet, but now faces jail time and a monetary fine that could reach $100k. See, “jammers” were outlawed by this nation's “Do Nothing For Us” Congress, based on the fact a “jammer” could also sacrifice “911” calls - so it became a felony to be in possession any device that blocks another's ignorance. See, this erection edict from the bowels of Congress had nothing to do with this Sad Sack excuse - that a “jammer” could deny service for emergencies - as what did we do before “Cell Phones”? And there are many transmission protocols in effect today, so on a crowded commuter train maybe one out of four calls would be blocked with a single “jammer”. But when it appeared that jammers from Israel were about to become vogue those of us that find some semblance of “Being Left Alone” inherently protected in the wording of the U.S. Constitution, the “Air Wave Pirates - the corporations that make billions selling that “Service” - it would have meant revenue looses in the $millions$ if “We the People” had some peace & quiet time back and forth from work. It had nothing to do with a 1st Amendment “Right”, it was all driven by a lost profit scenario if chatter time went sacrificed through silence - it had nothing to do with “Emergency Calls”. Said again, it was all revenue driven by the same damn “brats” that want the price of oil to run amuck again, so Wall Street profits can promote Hillary Clinton speechless engagements – where she remains silent until proven guilty. Look, America cannot be a strong civilization with the “Wall” and at the same time look out for the Middle Class' own good – the Bernie message is loud and clear, yes you'll have peace & quiet once again, along with affordable gasoline prices. So thanks to a Mr. Dennis Nicholl, for a brave-heart effort to uphold the Constitution when all we see today is a pilferage upon the Founding Fathers Foundation by crooks elected to Congress, BRAVO your American spirit! And if you need some loot for bail, this is where I can contribute my hard earned income, as it is an investment in efforts to protect the U.S. Constitution as peace & quiet is worth its weight, even better then “Black Gold”! And to the Rat Fink that turned Mr. Nicholl's in, please take the time to read-up on the Constitution instead of spending your traveling time engrossed over kindergarten porn! So now that we see an American arrested for trying to uphold liberty, if I can't jam by pirating the airwaves, then I can “jam” by making you listen up, turn my volume up to piss you's MY RIGHT! So when you here this song vibrating the airwaves, I am in your “Domain” - can you hear me now?
Ooh, yeah! All right!
We're jammin':
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too.

Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow:
I'n'I will see you through,
'Cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice,
Jammin' till the jam is through.

We're jammin' -
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past;
We're jammin',
And I hope this jam is gonna last.

No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow;
Neither can be bought nor sold.
We all defend the right; Jah - Jah children must unite:
Your life is worth much more than gold.

We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
And we're jammin' in the name of the Lord;
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'),
We're jammin' right straight from Yah.

Yeh! Holy Mount Zion;
Holy Mount Zion:
Jah sitteth in Mount Zion
And rules all creation.

Yeah, we're - we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
Wotcha-wa-wa-wa, we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
See, I wanna jam it wid you
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
I'm jammed: I hope you're jammin', too.

Jam's about my pride and truth I cannot hide
To keep you satisfied.
True love that now exist is the love I can't resist,
So jam by my side.

We're Jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'), yeah-eah-eah!
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin',
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin';
Hope you like jammin', too.
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin'),
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin').
I wanna (I wanna jam it wid you) - I wanna -
I wanna jam wid you now.
Jammin', jammin' (hope you like jammin' too).
Eh-eh! I hope you like jammin', I hope you like jammin',
'Cause (I wanna jam it wid you). I wanna ... wid you.
I like - I hope you - I hope you like jammin', too.
I wanna jam it;
I wanna jam it.

Thanks Mr. Marley....

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