Thursday, February 4, 2016


OK, it's official as the news' media has unleashed “The Perils of Pauline – Election 2016”. Which means for the next 10-months “We the huddled masses yearning to breath free” will be bombarded with melodramatic fantasy instead of Real McCoy news. So, what does the erection cycle and “thou” trusted VOTE really mean? OK, no matter what - short a true revolution by our youngsters fed up with the Fed - Congress is and will remain deadlocked, with nothing gained nothing lost. Take that Barack, even though Congress continues to play hooky, each and every January 3rd the 1st bill that finds passage – through automatic signatures – is a Congressional pay increase. Off subject: Amazing, that even with a lucrative Senator salary of $174-thousand and a wife that brokers $675-thousand dollar extravagant speaking arrangement deals for Hillary Clinton, that Ted Crud allowed his family to go medically un-insured, because he could not afford it? Glad to see a “poor person” running for the Oval. But all ridiculousness placed aside modern day politics that seems to invite a cast of “liars” to the podium, my VOTE for the next Commander-in-Thief will rest with the individual that supports but a single issue - an Executive Order to set Pete Rose free, so he can be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame instead of being indicted away from such honors, as this nation's “Greatest” baseball player my times. Ated!

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