Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Walden Pond

Walden Pond
"Cross-town traffic, all you do is slow me down...I can see a traffic jam straight up ahead." See, I was headed south on route 95, hoping to get away from the hustle & bustle that has swallowed the "Lady Bug" state, bombarded by "Trash Tourists", a.k.a. GOP candidates and Silly Willy Hillary. Not only has the "Live Free or Die" state been taken over by the Fox & Hound club - the ultimate "Mobius Strip" of the Fox and MSNBC anchors sniffing out another's anal retentive addiction - but in New Hampy, the influx of heroin addicts is mind-blowing as everyone has a vote and wants to be heard. But low and behold I have come across a traffic jam, cars all around me coming to a screeching halt. I can see flashing cop lights up ahead, and "smoke pouring out of a box car door", must be an accident. And all those "Black Super Stud Trucks" used by secret security detail doing “broadies” across the comedian strip, must have something to do with a take-out order for Chris Christie. I wonder what his "per diem" amounts to, considering 6-meals a day. He's fat, and we have kids growing hungry right here in the “Homeland”! He is a poor excuse for a human kindness! OK, par of course for a politician. OK, it's Sunday and I pledged to NOT shame the candidates. Here comes the trooper brigade, telling the driver's waiting patiently what's going down and causing the blockade. Wow, Hillary Clinton's "I WILL SERVE YOU" bus blew its cool, and the entourage is stranded and because of the Secret Service concerns, we are not allowed to pass her by. "SERVE YOU", sounds more like a “gotcha” letter from the FBI! But fear not, as right behind the Clinton bus was Ted Cruz, in pursuit or maybe heading for the Canadian border before Trump builds that “Wall”. So being a "Good Samaritan", Ted offered to give Hillary's campaign clan a ride, so traffic could start moving. Wow, I am finally passing the Cruz bus, it looks pretty full. But what the hell does "ROCKY HORROR SHOW" mean, as that is what the bus advertises for a political slogan. 1st gear to 4th in a hurry, got to get the hell out of here and get to my final destination. Wow, passing lane finds another bus load of...it's called the “Fun Bus”, and all the windows are steamed over, must be Bill's fantasy bus – picking up Harmonica groupies. Finally, a sense of freedom far and away from the political storm, a definable Nor'easter, or Nor-virus. Hope all is clear for the next 50-miles, as I have reserved a cabin in the Concord Lake region, down in Massachusetts, just for the day and a one-night stand. Finally away from the filth, with clean water, clean air and back to nature at Walden Pond. I'm approaching my cabin, one I reserved several years ago, as it is a popular place this bungalow, as it was the hangout for LSD teasing and made famous by Henry. Wow, there's smoke out of the wood stove chimney, maybe the folks that were here the naught before stoked it up. But it looks occupied, best check my reservation. Yup, it's mine! Can't just go barging in, not around these parts, as people honor that 2nd wit and writ. “Hello”, as I slowly open the door, wow, it's occupied and a familiar face. It's Bernie, taking a break also away from the political farce in force on the 2016 Presidential campaign trail. And it would be rude to kick him out, as he is engaged in reading the “Constitution”, like it was his Sunday bible. He's quoting something about Article II – Section 2: The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States” and is discussing the merits of such with respect to the 2nd, as it stands with respect to “A well regulated militia”. OK, here is what I can share with you, his sermon like views that I have taken away after spending a day at the Thoreau shelter, and no LSD needed as the high of this natural place is enough. Take Abraham Lincoln, take Thomas Jefferson, take Ronald Reagan, take Henry David Thoreau – and here is a man of conviction the “Constitution” wherein politics combined with nature, nurtures our “Liberty” forward HO! And it was the secluded outback shacks that became the “Think Tank” for the “American Revolution”, and today “mine eyes have seen the glory” in Mr. Sanders and the “Battle Hymn of His Republic”:

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here

And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Lock up the streets and houses
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here

And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Hand out the arms and ammo
We're gonna blast our way through here
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here

And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Thanks “Thunder”

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