Monday, February 1, 2016

Broken Mainsail

Waaaaell laa de frickin' da? OK, let me put it through the perspective Iowa Caucus Circus kaka grinder. Why are so many intrigued with Donald Trump? Because the GOP mainsail has been taken down by a horrific storm and on the Beaufort scale a +12, wherein soiled underwear of those on the campaign trail stands erect. See, the “Conservative” mainsail has found its demise due one-to-10 too many years of abuse, when after the fact dedicated to the Constitutional conviction cause, voters went out of their way to vote in respectable and supposedly reputable politicians - only to be awarded with “fraudsters”. So that category includes, well everybody but Ted Cruz, as he is aligned with the Devil wears Pajamas. That sad ass SOB did get out of bed on the wrong side – of the “Border”! So when one considers that we must keep religion out of politics and the fact the mainsail is no longer capable of setting free the political monopoly, on another world-wind tour of Apocalypse Now, well that is the reason intelligent people are turning to the Trumpster – he means what he says. Yes, we have become “Pirates”, and the high seas no longer safe for travel those bent on destroying our “Constitution”. This election will be decided by voters sick and tired of, well dereliction of office. And if the DNC continues to support an old sea hag, Trump will be this nation's next Commander-in-Conservatism. Yes, the GOP & DNC mainstay mainsail no longer dictates the future, as we have maybe come to our senses and with Trump the gale force for the “Conservative Bowel Movement”, enough is enough as the political climate ransacked by the “Lobby”, well it was only a matter of time. So, this nation under Trump or under Sanders, well either one will be able to take back this nation under fraud. Have it your way, but anybody that resumes taking sides the Grand Old Party or the Deneutered Wasserman-Schultz facade – a.k.a. DNC - then best be prepared to cast your vote to, blasphemy.

We come on the sloop Jeb B
Miss Purina chow and me
Around Iowa town she did foam
Stinking all night
Got into a fight
Well I feel so broke up
I want to go home

So hoist up the Rand Paul sail
See how the mainsail fails
Call for the Kasich of whores
Let Rubio go home, let Fuckabee go home
I wanna go home, yeah yeah
Well I feel so broke up
I wanna go home

The poor GOP caught the shits
And threw up all Ben's grits
And then Cristy ate up all of my corn
Let me go home
Why don't they let me go home
This is the worst campaign I've ever been on

So hoist up the JEB B's sail
See how the mainsail sinks
Call off the FOX's Kelly whores
Let Rubio go home, let Ben go home
Rand wanna go home, let Christy go home
Why don't you let them all go home

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