Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ted Cruz Threatens Obama

FBI Agent-in-Charge to Protect U.S. President Barack Obama;

I have reason to believe that U.S. Senator Rafael Edward Cruz(Texas) is inciting “Hate Speech” that is designed and then delivered to the listening public for no other purpose then to seek and inflict harm upon Barack Obama, Honorable 44th President of the United States. Facts: This am, 1/5/2016, Barack Obama signed into effect through an “Executive Order” some semblance of gun sales control. Following that historic speech, and days leading up as it was expected that such would be an action made law by Mr. Obama, Rafael Edward Cruz - in Iowa - was recorded voicing on several occasions that “if one lives by the pen, one dies by the pen and I have an easer at the end of my pen”. Executive Orders come by virtue the President's signature, the “Pen” and to hear Mr. Cruz mouth off the phrase “one dies by the pen” and adding insult to this threat the “eraser” clause, this can only be construed as a bonafide “Threat”, not a campaign speech, but a ways and means to incite “hate” to the effect it could cause harm. I am requesting that the FBI analyze these recordings available world-wide across the Internet and discovering that such speech is not campaign rhetoric but designed to “harm” Barack Obama and possibly his family, to retain in custody Rafael Edward Cruz until such time it is deemed he meant no harm, through interrogation and if need be more thorough psychological analysis. As  a U.S. Taxpayer, and since Mr. Cruz is gallivanting around the country courtesy the Taxpayers, I feel this request to investigate Mr. Cruz is not frivolous and is justified. This type of behavior can only make it more difficult to protect Mr. Obama, which justifies reasoning without doubt that Mr. Cruz should be investigated. It is NOT free speech if it was designed to “Harm”, and the FBI would be derelict its responsibilities to not take Mr. Cruz's threats seriously. Please “PROTECT” Mr. Obama and his family against such tensions, by arresting this type of crime and action before it is too late.

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